RWBY & Bloodborne: Qrow Branwen

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RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth and Bloodborne is owned by FromSoftware


Welcome to the archive: I've always enjoyed RWBY crossovers, the idea of a character being yeeted into the world of Remnant and completely fucking over the established powers of the verse. However, there's something special about the franchises made by FromSoftware being tossed into RWBY and learning about the culture. I especially enjoy the Bloodborne ones as the Hunters are very similar to the Huntsman and Huntresses but also the extreme differences. Anyway I hope you enjoy the story.



Winter marched through the streets of Vale with a frown on her face. She hadn't found him yet. She had checked the bars in the residential district and the commercial district even that Crow Bar Qrow had seemed to enjoy. Nada.

Winter Schnee absolutely abhorred Qrow Branwen. He was a drunkard, unprofessional, and quite frankly she wasn't sure how he hadn't been fired for incompetence. Unfortunately, she had been tasked with getting him back to Beacon for something the Headmaster wanted.

Of course, Winter had asked why they couldn't call Qrow's scroll. Professor Ozpin just looked at her and grabbed something from his desk before showing a scroll.

Qrows scroll.

Which he'd left.

Winter turned a corner and scared several people in her way, not that she noticed, her eyes were meant for finding Qrow Branwen and that's it. She was truly ticked that she hadn't found him yet, which meant she'd been out in Vale for nearly three hours and was just now getting to the Industrial district.

Winter glanced about hoping to find the damn drunkard so she could drag him back to Beacon. Winter marched past an alley when she heard the sound of something coming from the alley. She stopped and listened to what sounded like a very rusted mecha shift weapon unfurling.

Frowning, Winter walked down the alley to investigate. She looked at the walls of the alley, seeing old posters and graffiti. One of them being an old poster for White Fang recruitment.

Winter's frown deepened but she continued on. Eventually, the alley ended and opened up to a concrete lot and the noise got louder. Winter looked around and found the source of the noise and -her eye twitched- Qrow Brawnen.

Qrow stood facing away from her with Harbinger on his lower back and a strange wooden staff folded on his upper back. He held a curved... she hesitated to say sword because it was far larger than her swords.

She nearly marched over to drag the drunk back to Beacon but stopped when he slammed the blade's handle into the vaguely 'Y' shaped piece of the staff. The hinge where it was folded snapped up causing the noise she had heard earlier in a show of sparks.

Qrow gripped lower on the end of the 'Y' and brought the scythe to bear. He held it in front of him and began spinning it. Winter stood staring at the forms as Qrow went through several smooth slashes and mid-attack transformations going from the scythe to the blade seamlessly.

Qrow eventually turned in her direction and froze. Winter's pale blue eyes locked onto Qrow's red eyes as both just stared at each other. Winter broke the staring contest with a forced cough, "Mh, Qrow, you're needed at Beacon." she said, her voice going to her naturally militaristic tone.

Qrow hesitantly placed the now detached blade on his hip, "Really? And why couldn't you call me?"

Winter's hand went into her coat pocket and grabbed Qrow's scroll, she pulled it out and presented it to him with a face that basically said 'could we?'. Qrow looked at the scroll and then patted himself down looking for the same scroll she held.

Qrow looked back up with narrowed eyes and asked, "Did you steal that from me, Ice Queen?"

Winter growled, "No, you drunken fool, you left it at Beacon."

"You sure? For all I know you could've been looking for my nude pictures-" Winter threw the scroll at Qrow with enough force to cause a boom. Qrow caught it while skipping backward, laughing.

Winter growled with a slightly flushed face, "You pervert."

Qrow waved her off with a grin, "I'm not the one blushing like they did exactly as I said."

Winter turned away and breathed in and out, "You are trying to wind me up-"

"Is it working?"

"-It will not work. Now you will follow me as I escort you back to Beacon." She said with a glare that would freeze anyone solid. If you weren't Qrow Branwen.

Qrow smirked and grabbed his flask taking a swig before putting it back on his belt. He walked past her, "You my babysitter, now?"

"No, I'm your escort," Winter said following after.

"I don't need one," Qrow looked back and pointed at one of the rings on his fingers, "I'm faithfully married."

Winter attempted to punch Qrow across the face but he dodged back with a smirk, "You're far too easy, Ice Queen."

"No one sane would ever marry you, you drunk." Qrow just smirked at the insult. Damn him.

The two walked through the alley in tense silence, well a one-sided tense silence, Qrow seemed perfectly fine. Winter eventually couldn't help herself and asked, "What was that scythe, if I may ask?"

Qrow didn't answer at first, still continuing to walk. Winter was about to ask again when Qrow spoke first, "It was a gift," he said, patting the disconnected blade, "I got it from this old guy I'd helped. Said it was his weapon when he was a Huntsman, back when mecha shift was still a new idea."

"It looks rather worn," Winter commented.

"What, you think I'd actually use it?" Qrow looked back at Winter, "No, the wood is far too rotten to be swung at anything sturdy, it'd probably snap in half if I tried."

"Then why were you training with it?"

"It's fun to mess around with occasionally, I mean you saw it. You tell me if a weapon that old should be rotting in a museum?"

Winter looked at the old mecha shift weapon. Qrow did bring up a good point, loath as she was to admit it, a weapon of that caliber shouldn't be rotting away. Besides, Qrow was talented with a scythe if the reports were correct. Admittedly she'd never seen him use the scythe function on Harbinger but she knew he could use it.

"No, I don't believe it should."

"See, even you agree."

"Does it have a name?" Qrow was quiet for a beat before opening his mouth to speak.

"He called it the Burial Blade."


Leave a review for the idea. Qrow was once in Yarhnam as this shows and I thought that was an interesting concept, as what would this change? Would Qrow be more cynical and against the idea of Ruby and Yang being Huntresses after what he'd seen or would he hide that pain he was through behind the personality as a way of coping after the Hunt? Basically hiding the true Hunter that resides breath the surface.


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