Blood & MHA: Caleb

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MHA is owned by Kohei Horikoshi and Blood is owned by Monolith Productions


Welcome to the Archive: This is a previously published piece that I decided should actually be on here so I took it down and re-posted it here.


This was meant to be a story to show off my abilities in violence, as morbid as that sounds. The story was light on plot and more of a ride for the reader to go through and experience the one-man crusade against Deika City and the Meta Liberation Army. The Meta Liberation Massacre was abandoned a few weeks ago after it just became a slog for me to write but I did write some of it and did have an idea for Episode One but stopped as Episode Two was still being thought up.

Anyway, if you like it thanks but I don't plan on working on this again, and if anyone wants to use the idea go right ahead.


Mission One: Welcome to Deika City


Rather late at night, about 9:49 a man walked toward Deika City. The man was lanky, around 5.7ft, and was clad in a worn leather duster that reached to his ankles under he had a dirty white shirt with two buttons undone on his collar. His brown pants had small tears in them and old stains that looked like dried blood.

The man's face was covered by shadows cast from his large brimmed hat that had holes in it resembling bullet holes. However the man's eyes were visible to any who saw him, those eyes pierced the shadow with a glow of crimson. No pupil showed as the red consumed the entire eye.

The man turned his head toward a sign for Deika City as he approached, it was a large thing, a person was on the sign with the writing Welcome to Deika City shown in a word bubble below the man.

He recognized the man, the CEO of Detnerat, Rikiya Yotsubashi, also known as Re-Destro by the Meta Liberation Army. The man reached into his duster as he walked closer and pulled a bundle of dynamite and a lighter from the darkness of his coat.

He casually lit the dynamite bundle and tossed it toward the sign as he passed. A few moments later the sign was consumed by the explosion and the man smiled, the metal twisted under the heat and the paint was melted off leaving it unrecognizable.

The man began whistling a small tune as he walked down the main road, "Rise up Deadman let the gunshots ring~" he began singing raspily. His red eyes looked at the city still a little away from him with a glint in his eye.

Caleb would kill anyone that got in his way and anyone he generally came across.

Caleb walked into the city and looked around, most people would be in their homes and he had a job to do involving the people living in Deika. He turned a corner and was greeted by the lights of a restaurant still open if he was to start anywhere.

Caleb walked to the door and opened it immediately being assaulted with warm air and the smell of food being made in the kitchen. A waitress noticed him and shrunk slightly under his eyes but gave a lightly strained smile, "Hello sir, if you'd choose a seat, I'll be with you in a moment."

Caleb nodded and walked to a back corner booth. As he walked to it he looked at the few people in the restaurant, one was a woman with green hair and limbs that looked like coiled plants in the shape of a human arm.

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