Aphrodite's "matchmaking" problems

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Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love, yes. She gives good love advice too. In areas.

The problem is, she easily gets controlling of who her children date.

She looks at the attractive, angle. She doesn't look at the personality angle.

Such as, a "potential candidate" she has for one of her children, could be attractive, but could also be manipulative, abusive, or both.

She doesn't look at the more important angles.

This leaves her children feeling bitter towards her, because some of the relationships they were dragged into by their mother, didn't end well.

Bryan, for example. Manages to be flirtatious, but oblivious, to those who may genuinely romantically love him. Because he was dragged into some toxic relationships, due to his mothers meddling.

And he wouldn't break off the relationship, until all his siblings got involved, and got him to see the toxic relationship, he was in.

Even then, it would take a lot of convincing, due to how deep, Aphrodite's meddling, is for Bryan in particular. It leaves him oblivious to many things.

This is why, he didn't realize River was toxic, until certain things came to light, for him.

This is also why, Bryan is hesitant with falling for Inpu. His previous relationships didn't work out so great, so he fears falling into the same ditch.

Again, this all causes the Aphrodite children, to feel bitter, towards their mother.

The other Aphrodite children, are especially bitter towards their mother, because how she treats Bryan.

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