Bryan has phantom pains

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Bryan has phantom pains.

When the Seductive Rose gave him those horns, it really hurt.

When the Seductive Rose would take control of him more and more, he was left with painful headaches, when he had rare lucid moments.

When the Seductive Rose gave him that mark on his face, it hurt.

When the Seductive Rose's powers would course through his veins. All that rush of power, hurt. Especially the more it was used through him.

When he relied on the Seductive Rose's powers, instead of his own, the Seductive Rose's powers made him feel like his insides were being set on fire.

The more he used the Seductive Rose's powers. The more breathless, lightheaded, weak, and ill, he felt.

All of these, leaves him with phantom pains.

Some episodes he has, aren't too bad.

And some episodes he has, are down right excruciating.

When Inpu learned of this, he was, and still is, very worried for Bryan, because of these episodes.

When Atlas, Lotus, and Femi found out about these episodes, they were horrified that their other Dad, suffers from such pain.

This also makes them breakdown in tears, when they realize that he was alone, for the most part, with only Helios by his side, for months. After he was freed from the Seductive Rose.

To have only Helios there, but for Helios not being able to help ease the pain in anyway he can.

That rendered them to a sobbing mess of tears and sadness, for the loneliness he went through. 

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