Zeratino has adopted Bryan

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The Seductive Rose wants to make Bryan suffer, and loves to torment him further.

But. The small part of Zeratino that is buried deep down, saw part of himself, in Bryan.

So, the small part of Zeratino that was buried deep down, adopted Bryan, as another brother.

When the Seductive Rose would hurt him, and continue to torment him, Zeratino would chew out SR, for hurting his other baby brother.

Before the Seductive Rose dies, once and for all, in the end of S3, and Zeratino is finally freed from his torment, he tells Xiphos to watch over Bryan, and to protect him, if he ever needs it.

And before dying, he thanks Bryan for freeing his soul from it's tormenter. And finally parts from the world, after giving a kiss on the forehead to Xiphos and Bryan, and saying goodbye, to his little brothers.

Bryan, tears up, feeling torn up, at what he just learned.

Xiphos hugs Bryan, and breaks down sobbing. And Bryan just holds him, and cries with him. Mourning the passing of an innocent soul, who was cursed by the fates, to have a cruel life.

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