Aphrodite Kids hate being Stereotypicalized

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Aphrodite Children hate being stereotypicalized. (I do not care if that might not be a word. It is a word, in this)

They are all well aware of how Aphrodite are immediately written off as useless, vain, pretty faces.

To spite them. They teach themselves combat skills.

To spite their mother, they throw her "parenting skills", off a cliff, into a deep, dark, abyss.

They fall in love, on their own call, and their own terms.

They enter a relationship, on their own call, and their own terms.

When their mother tries to interfere in their love life, and essentially tries to screw them over, all because she thinks they'd make a cute couple with someone, based off of their looks, and not their personality.

They basically tell her to take her 'help', and stop screwing them over.

Bryan is hesitant to even let Aphrodite, physically meet, Inpu and his, children. Because he doesn't trust her, to not screw them over, like she did to him and his siblings/niece.

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