Bryan and Mors were pranking and arson buddies, as kids

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Aphrodite was in a meeting with the other Gods, in Olympus, but it was her time with Bryan. So she brought him to Olympus, and let him play, as she was in the meeting.

Bryan wondered around, until he found the portal leading to Purgatory.

Being a child, he was curious, so he went through it.

He wondered around purgatory a bit, and was found by Mors and Korina, who took him to Thanatos.

Thanatos wanted to return Bryan to Olympus immediately, so his mother wouldn't go into panic mode.

But Bryan begged Thanatos to let him stay for a bit. That his mother was in a meeting, and that as big as Olympus is, he was bored there.

Thanatos reluctantly agreed to let him stay, for a little bit.

He went off to play with Korina and Mors, and Korina invited him to join them in playing. Much to Mors's displeasure.

Eventually, Mors began playing pranks on some people in the village, and Bryan played some pranks with him.

Korina, who wasn't interested in participating in pranks, watched from the sidelines, and eventually excused herself, to do her own thing, not too far away.

Well, eventually pranks, escalated into the two mischief makers, commiting arson.

Thanatos showed up, and put a stop to the pranks and arson.

But the damage was already done. Mors and Bryan vowed to be pranking and arson, buddies.

When Mors takes a closer look at Bryan, years later. He recognizes Bryan as his childhood pranking and arson buddy, and says as much.

Which causes Inpu, and the Brypu kids, to choke on air, in shock at this newfound information.

And Bryan bursts out laughing, and asks Mors if he's commited arson recently.

Mors says no, and says perhaps they should schedule a day, dedicated to them commiting arson.

Bryan agrees, saying he has built up trauma he could use something as a release for that built up trauma.

So, they schedule a day, dedicated to them committing arson.

Leaving the Brypu family in the background, shocked silent, through their entire conversation.   

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