Chapter 2

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-Tuesday, Hidden Leaf village-

''And then, I saw a shadow moving towards me, Iruka sensei, gramps.'' The young Naruto recounted what happened in the Senju compound to the chunin and Third Hokage. ''I was scared and I... I ran but the shadow followed me. I... don't know what happened after that. I just woke up.''

''What do you think, lord Third?'' Iruka Umino asked the Hokage.

The old Hokage took a puff from his pipe before answering the chunin. ''I don't know what to think of this, Iruka. Naruto here doesn't seem to lie about what happened. However, this 'shadow' as he described... I don't know what to make of it. I will have to wait for the ANBU report to make a decision.''

''Then, can Naruto be released soon?'' Iruka asked, to which the Hokage nodded a 'yes'.

''I will talk with the doctor first, Iruka. In case Naruto needs medicine and other stuff.'' The old Hokage said and went to talk with the doctor taking care of Naruto.

''How are you feeling, Naruto?'' Iruka asked as he sat down on the bench beside Naruto's bed.

''Fine, sensei.'' Naruto answered and he then asked, ''Iruka sensei, what happened to my eye?''

Iruka did not really know how to sugar coat this and he just told the boy. ''Naruto, I'm afraid that you lost your right eye in the Senju compound.'' Iruka answered, scaring the boy a bit. ''I don't know how, Naruto, but I promise you, whoever did this will be punished.''

''Iruka sensei, what is covering my eye now? I feel itchy.''

''Naruto, you're wearing an eye patch to cover up your lost, right eye. It's itchy because the doctors put medicine so that you can heal faster. Don't scratch it okay, Naruto? It'll go away soon, I promise you.'' Iruka explained to the blonde who looked down in a sad expression. The chunin believed he knew the best way to cheer the boy up. ''You know, Naruto, you stayed the longest in the Senju compound.''

Upon hearing that, the blonde looked up at his teacher. ''Really, Iruka sensei? Does that mean-''

''Yes. You are the bravest student in your class, Naruto.'' Iruka confirmed and the blonde boy let out a smile for his teacher.

The door suddenly opened and the doctor who took care of Naruto entered. ''Good morning, Iruka, Naruto. I'm Dr. Hashimoto.'' He introduced himself to the two.

''Thank you for taking care of Naruto, doctor.'' Iruka thanked the doctor as he stood up. ''When will Naruto be able to leave the hospital?''

''You can take him when you're ready, Iruka. However, I must tell you of the medicines and when to eat them.'' The doctor said, showing a bag of at least three medicines, including a painkiller, and some healing cream. The doctor told Naruto when he would have to eat his medicine and what quantity at a time. ''Don't worry about paying for the bills, Naruto. Lord Third was kind enough to pay all of it. Take care, alright.''

''Thank you, Dr. Hashimoto.'' Naruto said his thanks to the good doctor as he left. Iruka looked at Naruto and said, ''Let's get you ready to move out, Naruto.'' He helped the blonde to get out of the bed but the Hokage called him and he first went to the old man.

''Yes, lord Third?''

''Reports from the ANBU do not point to a rogue ninja hiding in the Senju compound, Iruka.'' Hiruzen told the chunin of the report. ''Nothing to indicate any activity of sorts save for the children who took part in the test of courage.''

''Then, do we take Naruto's word for it then, lord Third?'' Iruka asked. ''About the shadow and all. Do you think...'' Iruka lowered his tone to a whisper before continuing, ''... the nine tailed fox must have something to do with it?''

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