Chapter 8

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          -Night, Hidden Leaf village-

''Wind style: rotating shuriken!'' Naruto let some wind chakra come out of his mouth and it came around a shuriken. The wind chakra laced shuriken started to spin and Naruto threw it at a tree. The shuriken cut through branches easily before stopping. 'I think it was good.' The blonde Uzumaki thought, seeing the result of his wind style.

Naruto took a kunai out and weaved signs. ''Wind style: vacuum blade.'' He muttered and a steady stream of wind chakra came on the kunai, turning it into a sword. Naruto charged to cut the training dummies in that particular training ground and cut apart two of them.

He felt pleased with the result of this and prepared to walk home. However, his teacher, Iruka Umino, arrived in the area.

''Good evening, Naruto.'' The chunin said to Naruto. ''Practising your jutsu, I see.''

''Iruka sensei? What are you doing here?'' Naruto asked the chunin.

''Lord Hokage wants us to come to the Hokage Tower, Naruto. I was told to bring you to him.'' Iruka said and he walked towards Naruto. He put a hand on the blonde child and used the body flicker to reach the tower.

(Hokage Tower)

''Naruto, Iruka.'' Hiruzen addressed the two as they arrived on the roof of the tower.

''Gramps, do you have a new jutsu to teach me?'' Naruto asked but from the emotions the Hokage was having at the moment, that was not the case.

''No, Naruto. Not yet, at least. I called you and Iruka here because I want you two to do an A-rank mission for me.'' Hiruzen said, shocking the both of them.

''Lord Hokage, are you serious?'' Iruka asked, hoping the Hokage wasn't even slightly serious. ''But, I'm only chunin, lord Hokage, and an average one. And Naruto still has much to learn. Why not any of the jonin or an ANBU squad?''

''I know that, Iruka. Let me explain first.'' Hiruzen took a puff from his pipe and began to explain. ''I was hoping Naruto's summons would do the trick and I want you to be there to oversee it, Iruka. I want you two to conduct a surgical strike on a ninja outpost belonging to the Hidden Cloud.''

''A... surgical strike?'' Naruto asked. It was the first time he heard such a term being used.

''It means an operation carried out to eliminate a purely military, in this case, a ninja outpost, Naruto. There can be no civilian casualties in a surgical strike, only military.'' Iruka explained. ''But still, lord Third. Summons or not, Naruto is still too young. I know of the Fire Capital incident, lord Third;  I'm afraid Naruto might get hurt.''

''I too am concerned, Iruka. Which is why I'm telling you to observe and guide him. Naruto, you can go home and pack your belongings for the mission. And remember, to use your demon summons and not to tell anyone of this.'' Hiruzen told the blonde child who nodded.

''I... understand, Gramps.'' Naruto replied and started to walk home.

Now that they were alone, Iruka asked, ''Why a surgical strike on the Hidden Cloud, lord Hokage? Is it revenge for the Hyuga Affair which happened like seven years prior?''

''Yes, Iruka.'' Hiruzen replied. ''To get even with the Hidden Cloud though, only the three of us will know of this. The Hidden Cloud thinks that we will silently watch as they got away with their attempt to infiltrate and kidnap a clan heir. I think we have waited too long to retaliate;  for the loss of one capable Hyuga jonin, the Cloud will lose several dozens of their shinobi. Remember to not wear the Leaf uniform on this mission, Iruka. Try not to leave anything that can be traced back to us.''

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