Chapter 25

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  -The Village Hidden in the Leaves-

Around the time Naruto Uzumaki arrived in the Land of Waves, his teammate, Sakura Haruno, went to Might Guy for training in advanced taijutsu.

''So, you want my help in learning taijutsu, do you, miss Haruno?'' The bushy browed man asked Sakura.

''Yes, Guy sensei.'' Sakura answered, with slight nervousness evident in her voice. ''Please. Teach me, Guy sensei.''

''Well, I promise you that I can teach you taijutsu, miss Haruno, but I can't promise you that I will be going easy on you with regards to your training.'' Might Guy told her. ''While I won't be teaching you exactly in the same way as I teach Lee, it will be tough for you nontheless. Are you sure you want to do this?''

''A-Absolutely, Guy sensei!''

''Good! Now, let's begin and train you till your flames of youth reach their fullest extent. Tenten will be your partner in sparring sessions and more. Do you understand?''

''Yes, Guy sensei.'' Sakura nodded but felt the need to ask something. ''Umm... Guy sensei, I thought you were going to be training Neji for the finals.''

''He'll come at times but the Hyuga clan wishes that both Neji and Hinata's training are overseen by them.''

''Why do you ask, Sakura? Scared that Neji might beat up your teammate in the finals?'' Tenten asked Sakura in a teasing way.

''What? No.'' Sakura retorted. ''If anything, Neji better watch out cause I know Naruto's going to kick his butt.''

''Oh please. Neji's the prodigy of the Hyuga clan. No way he'd lose to some no-name nobody like the Uzumaki. Even if his wind jutsus are cool and all.''

'As if.' Sakura retorted in her mind. If Naruto used that black fire technique, Sakura knew that no one, not even Gaara of the Desert, would survive.

''Alright. Enough bickering you two. Let's get ready for some training now, shall we?''

(3 and a half hours later)

Pant... pant... pant... pant

Sakura Haruno felt her knees about to lose all their use as Might Guy allowed her and Tenten to have their break. The training the taijutsu master gave them was brutal and tough;  Might Guy was not joking when he asked Sakura if she really wanted this.

Sakura Haruno was drenched in sweat and her legs and arms were shaky. She had never felt this tired at all in her life. Tenten was also tired but not to the same extent as Sakura was. The bun haired kunoichi gave the pink haired girl a bottle of water to drink.

''Here.'' She said, giving Sakura the bottle. ''I know it's tiresome and all but you keep doing it everyday and you slowly start to get the hang of it.''

''Say, Sakura.'' Might Guy called to the pink haired girl. ''Where is Naruto anyways? I've seen Kakashi training Sasuke a while back but Naruto's practically missing from the village. You know anything about your teammate?''

''He said... pant pant... that he was going to train... pant... in a secret place, Guy sensei.'' Sakura answered.

''I see.'' Might Guy put his finger on his chin. Naruto Uzumaki was a very strange figure in his eyes. Guy knew of Naruto's parentage-- every jonin at the time knew it, but there was more to the blonde than meets the eye. He was already stronger than some chunin, was very close to the Hokage but not much else was known. Perhaps, he might learn a little bit more about the blonde in the finals.

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