Chapter 13

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'I'm steadily reaching the top.' Sasuke Uchiha thought with a slight smirk. The tree climbing exercise seemed to be getting easier for him as he was just a dozen or so feet away from the top. Looking at his blonde teammate, he could see that Naruto was catching up as well. 'And Naruto isn't so far behind from me.'

The blonde Uzumaki panted from all the running he did today. He looked at Sasuke's and saw that the Uchiha was doing a little better than. A sense of competition and rivalry started to form between them but before Naruto could run again, he remembered his secondary mission: to retrieve the report of a Leaf spy in the Hidden Mist.

''Sasuke.'' Naruto called his teammate. ''I'm... going. Uh... nature calls.'' Naruto said, embarrassed as he had to say that and left three shadow clones to finish the exercise. Naruto started to walk towards the shores of the Land of Waves to the east where he was to meet up with the spy.

Sasuke Uchiha looked at the shadow clones his blonde teammate could create. A B rank forbidden jutsu reserved only for jonin level ninja, it could create solid clones and not just illusions. To use this jutsu, one needed to have jonin level chakra reserves and if Kakashi sensei's words were true, then Naruto's reserves were equal to the silver haired jonin.

Sasuke did not know how his teammate had such large reserves at just 13 years of age and it seems the blonde too wasn't quite certain. The Uchiha couldn't help but feel slightly jealous at the fact that his teammate had such large reserves and could spam jutsu more than him.

But it couldn't be helped. He couldn't just demand the blonde's chakra reserves for himself and expect Naruto to give it to him. Such a thing wasn't quite feasible either. He would just have to work hard and build up his reserves and maybe, one day, he could also make his own shadow clones.

(market areas of Wave)

It was already dusk and the bridge building was over for the day. Sakura and Tazuna were returning home after a hard day's work and going to the market to buy groceries.

Sakura, that day, watched one of the bridge builders argue with Tazuna, suggesting that they stop building the bridge. Tazuna called for lunch and told the man he can stop coming to work after that day. Then, the pink haired girl witnessed first hand the suffering the people of Wave endured. Empty stores, children begging on the streets and active theft in the day, it was an unbearable sight to the girl.

Tazuna and Sakura entered a store and the pink haired girl saw how empty the shop was. There wasn't a single box or shelf filled with fruits and vegetables or any other kind of food. Then, a man saw Sakura's bag and went to grab it.

''Why you pervert!'' The pink haired girl shouted. She turned around and gave the man a kick so hard that two of his teeth came flying out.

''Wow. I didn't know you could fight like that.'' Tazuna said to Sakura. ''Girls in Wave can't fight like you do.''

''Well, they should cause somethings seriously wrong here.'' Sakura replied and she felt a hand pulling her. ''Why you little-'' she suddenly stopped when she realized it was just a small child.

''P-please?'' The boy asked, holding out his hands and asking with a smile for some food.

Sakura took pity on the boy. She didn't have any food with her but what she had, she gave the boy: a few candies. The boy was happy and ran to his friends to share it with them.

''Ever since Gato took over, Wave has been like this ever since.'' Tazuna told the pink haired girl. ''The people suffer and there is no food to feed everyone. That is why the bridge must be completed no matter what. To give the people hope;  to give them a reason to fight for and to finally stop Gato once and for all.''

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