Chapter 36

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         -capital city of Hastinapur-

''So, this is the prisoner you wanted me to see?'' Naruto asked and the Uzumaki ninja nodded.

''Yes, lord Naruto. She has the unique power to make crystals as I have told you.'' The Uzumaki then showed Naruto some crystal fragments and the blonde was intrigued. ''I'm certain that you can find many uses for her.''

''Does she... have a name?''

''She won't talk, my lord.'' The Uzumaki replied. Naruto nodded and entered the blue haired woman's cell to have a conversation.

''If she's a Sound ninja, no doubt she'll hold a fanatic loyalty to Orochimaru.'' Naruto said to his clansmen. 'I'm now starting to think having a talk is rather pointless.'

''Speak, woman.'' The Uzumaki ninja ordered the crystal user. ''You're in lord Naruto's presence now. State your name, your powers and what you know about Orochimaru.''

The blue haired crystal user glared at the Uzumaki and responded, ''I won't talk so just forget it. I will not betray lord Orochimaru.''

''See what I mean?'' Naruto stated in a 'I told you so' tone to the Uzumaki and got ready to take his face patch off. 'I hate having to use hypnosis. Makes me tired and all that.' He sighed slightly and showed the crystal user his eye. ''Hypnosis.'' He muttered and the woman's mind was rewritten.

''Will she talk now, my lord? My lord!'' The Uzumaki ninja grew slightly worried as he saw Naruto's body shaking after using hypnosis.

''Hypnosis makes me tired;  drains too much of my strength. But yes. She will speak now.'' Naruto replied. ''What is your name? What is your position in Orochimaru's Sound village?''

''My name is Guren, my lord.'' The crystal user answered. ''I was one of his most trusted ninjas alongside Kabuto Yakushi and the Sound 5.''

Naruto nodded. ''From now, you are a ninja of the Uzumaki clan. You have left Orochimaru and now, you serve me. I shall gauge your skills and powers later but for now, I have use of your crystal bloodline. I wish you to use your power to decorate my city in a splendid fashion.''

''It will be as you command, my lord.'' She replied and Naruto ordered that her chains be removed so that she can do her duty.

''Can she be trusted, lord Naruto?'' Kagezaki asked the clan head.

''The hypnosis ability of my Glamour Sight is absolute, Kagezaki. It's not like a genjutsu;  it can't be broken unless I myself break it.''

''Does using this hypnosis ability tire you, lord Naruto?''

''Yes. It depends on the power of the one I'm casting it on. Guren is a high chunin, almost jonin level ninja. Using the hypnosis on her is draining. If I used it on someone much stronger than her, no doubt I'd very much exhaust myself to the point of death.'' Naruto explained to Kagezaki.

''Has the possibility of using hypnosis on non-shinobi ever crossed your mind, my lord?'' Kagezaki asked.

''It has but I choose not to use it.'' Naruto replied. ''I think it's a waste of energy when, in three years time, we'd have control over the economy and a strong army to back us. And, to make use of slaves is not something I wish when I was the same to the Leaf.''

Kagezaki then asked, ''And what of those people whom we took from the Land of Fire concentration camps, my lord? You specifically ordered that they have collars put and to make sure that they work harder than the other peoples.''

''They are an exception. As they treated me with hate, so too shall I see to their treatment.'' Naruto answered.

Kagezaki noted Naruto's tone. The blonde hated the Leaf now far more than ever after he had left the village. And the other peoples from Orochimaru's hideouts and other nations' concentration camps were indeed slaves in all but name. Perhaps the blonde did not wish to see it that way, Kagezaki concluded.

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