Chapter 7

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It was the month of February in the year 75 A.V. in the Hidden Leaf village. Life was normal in the village;  civilians going about their usual day to day activities, ninjas doing missions and the students going to the academy to learn and become genin.

Iruka Umino was given the details of what happened during the tour by the Hokage himself. Suffice to say, Iruka Umino was surprised to learn that Naruto's right eye had transformed into a dojutsu. The Hokage then tasked Iruka to learn what he could of the new eye, the Aígli Théama, and it's powers and abilities.

Iruka protested a bit at this. He told the Hokage that such a thing was out of his calibre. However, the Hokage told him to do it regardless as he was the only other person Naruto would trust. With that explanation, Iruka took to the challenge of trying to figure out the eye that Naruto now had in his possession.

Iruka knew a few things about the sharingan and byakugan;  he thought that Naruto's eye might possess some similar abilities and he was right in some cases. The Aígli Théama could see chakra, see through solid objects and a few more but that was where similarities with the other two dojutsu ended. No copy ability or photographic memory and such from the Aígli Théama. But that didn't mean it was limited and Iruka was sure there would be more.

''Naruto, I will try to use a genjutsu on you.'' Iruka told the boy. ''I'm not the best at it, I admit, but that doesn't mean I don't know some. If it's too much, you tell me and I'll stop, okay?''

''Okay, sensei.'' Naruto replied and Iruka weaved signs and tried the few genjutsu he knew on Naruto. Strangely however, the genjutsu did not have an effect.

''Naruto, you don't... feel anything?'' Iruka questioned the blonde.

''I don't, Iruka sensei.'' Naruto replied.

'Genjutsu immunity perhaps? Well, I am pretty weak at genjutsu but I feel it's worth noting down.' Iruka thought and wrote that part down. ''Okay, Naruto. Try something with your eye.''

''Excuse me, what Iruka sensei?'' Naruto asked, confused as to what the chunin meant.

''Let me explain, Naruto. A dojutsu like the sharingan has the ability to cast a genjutsu with a single glance. I'm wondering if you might be able to cast one as well. Now, come and try one on me.'' Iruka told the boy.

Naruto nodded his head in understanding and attempted to cast a genjutsu with his Glamour Sight but nothing. After two minutes of trying, absolutely nothing.

'I think I can write out casting genjutsu from my notes.' Iruka thought.

A normal civilian woman was walking about in the secluded area and she noticed the two. ''Would you two happen to be ninja?'' She asked, startling the two. Due to him being suddenly startled, Naruto looked at the woman and something happened. She felt dizzy and suddenly, felt her world go dark and she collapsed.

''Naruto, what did you do?'' Iruka demanded of the boy, going to check on the civilian woman.

''I don't know, Iruka sensei. I just panicked.'' Naruto replied and he started to get a bit scared. ''Miss, are you okay? Can you hear me? Can you stand up?'' Naruto asked and the woman suddenly stood up.

''What the...?'' Iruka then noticed the woman's eyes and saw that she was in a genjutsu like state. ''But... I thought Naruto didn't have genjutsu prowess. Um... Naruto, can you um... tell her to walk or something?''

''Walk, sensei?'' Naruto asked and the woman started to walk. ''Wow! She's walking, Iruka sensei! After I... after I said walk.''

'It seems that it is a hypnosis based genjutsu.' Iruka thought and wrote it down in his note. The problem now, however, was just how to free the woman from this state of hypnosis.

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