Chapter 30

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Mei Terumi, the 5th Mizukage of the Hidden Mist left with her ninjas;  Koyuki Kazehana, the Spring Daimyo, along with her Spring ninjas left. After they had gone, Danzo called for his loyal supporters in the Leaf Police Force to come out.

Hundreds of armed policemen came out of their barracks to reinforce the martial law of the village. Those that Danzo suspected of would prove to become traitors in the future, he rounded up and sent them to prison. Houses were looted and searched and at least 30 people were arrested within an hour. Among these were Mebuki and Kizashi Haruno.

''This seems a little too excessive.'' Jiraiya muttered as he watched the policemen loyal to Danzo storm the streets and round up the people, even beating them up in public. 'If only Shikaku and the ANBU commander tried harder, we wouldn't be seeing such a sight.'

''Who cares about excessive, Pervy Gramps?'' Hiromi asked Jiraiya. ''We have a mission to do and that's all that matters.''

''Will you quiet down? I'm thinking here.'' Jiraiya replied to Hiromi. 'Why do I get the feeling that things are gonna go from bad to worse?'

''Mom? Mom! Dad!'' Sakura saw her mother and father being taken away by the policemen and paraded through the streets. She wanted to go to them but Kakashi stopped her. ''Kakashi sensei, those are my-''

''I know, Sakura.'' Kakashi's voice was serious and he held his student from going and making trouble. ''Don't do anything, Sakura. You'll just make things worse.''

''B-b-but, those are my parents. What will happen to them, sensei?''

''I don't know.'' Kakashi replied but in truth, he did know. Interrogation and torture would follow those who were arrested and if they were still okay, they would be sent to force labour camps. Kakashi only hoped to protect Sakura from sharing the same fate as her parents.

(Danzo's new office)

'That should do the trick.' Danzo thought with a smirk as he put the Hokage's seal on the papers detailing his orders.

In brief, Danzo's first orders as Hokage can be summarised as follows:

The ANBU and Foundation are to become one and the same as of now

All ninja of the Leaf and extending to the other ninjas being trained in non-Leaf academies are to go through the Foundation's methods of training and education.

All ninja and kunoichi who retired are to return to immediate, active service.

All kunoichi after reaching the age of 20 are to bear children, especially those from the clans.

If a clan's numbers have become dwindled, then the women are to produce more children and the males are to have more wives to produce children.

Children who enter into the academy are to learn chakra control from the age of 10 onwards. Sparring sessions are to become more lethal as of now.

Those are just the first orders and Danzo happily stamped the Hokage's seal on them. Then, a Foundation ninja entered his new office to report.

''Lord Danzo, the two ANBU members that were assigned to protect Sasuke Uchiha are dead. Sasuke Uchiha is nowhere to be seen.'' He reported.

'Orochimaru.' Danzo gripped his cane tightly as he heard this news. 'I think the time to end our mutual partnership will soon be coming to and end.' He then looked at his ninja and said, ''Inform all the ninjas of the Leaf to prepare themselves and call back all the reserves. A war with the Hidden Sound may occur in the forseeable future.''

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