Chapter 18

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Ibiki Morino, a special jonin and head of the Hidden Leaf village's Torture and Interrogation Corps was the proctor of the first part of the chunin exams: a written test. Ibiki Morino's name rang in the minds of Team 7.

'Morino?' Sakura questioned in her mind. 'Oh! I remember now. Idate said that he had an older brother and he was a ninja in the Leaf.' Her teammates were also along those lines of thoughts.

Ibiki Morino then explained to all the genin present about the rules of his written exam. One, unlike regular tests, they started with perfect scores and for every answer that they get wrong, they would get a mark deducted. Two, if they're caught cheating five times, they and their teams would be eliminated. Three, all the scores of teams would be added up and if a member lose all of his or her points, the team also fails.

'Oh crap. Oh crap.' Sakura began to feel anxious about the whole thing. 'I know Sasuke and I can do this thing what about Naruto? He was only average in his academics. Naruto, please don't fail.'

'Somethings wrong about this.' Naruto wondered what the whole meaning behind this system was. 'The sentinels would eliminate us if we are caught cheating five times and we have perfect scores from the beginning. Get an answer wrong, that's a mark deducted. I'm missing something but what is it?'

Sitting besides Naruto was Hinata Hyuga. She was feeling worried for her crush, the cloaked blonde. She and her teammates could do this but for Naruto, his academic skills weren't really the best. She simply hoped he passed the test.

''Ready... begin!'' Ibiki said and all the genin flipped their papers. Many started to worry by simply looking at the questions.

'These questions are too advanced for simple, regular genin.' Thought Neji Hyuga. 'But, it doesn't matter. Byakugan!' He activated his dojutsu and began to write down the answers.

Sasuke Uchiha cheated by seeing the hand movements of other genin with his sharingan and copying it. Tenten placed mirrors on the ceiling and viewed the answers;  she moved the mirrors, signalling her teammate Rock Lee and the genin shifted his forehead protector to let her know he got it. Gaara made an eye of sand and copied the answers. Akamaru was perched on Kiba's head and saw the answers. He barked and gave the answers to Kiba. Sakura Haruno could easily answer the questions and it was what her rival hoped for.

'Sorry forehead but I need to use your body for a while.' Ino smirked and performed the mind transfer jutsu on Sakura, occupying her rival's mind. 'Now, to memorize all your answers and give them to Shikamaru and Choji.'

'Hopefully Ino gets all the correct answers from someone.' Thought Shikamaru.

''No. 28, out!''

''66, get out of here.''

''13, you and your teammates get the hell out.'' The chunin sentinels began to disqualify the genin one by one.

''What the hell!?'' A genin stood up defiantly in protest. ''I didn't cheat. You're just-''


A chunin sentinel promptly slammed the genin to his seat. ''Listen kid. Either you listen to us or things will get ugly. You and your teammates... out!''

Using the Glamour Sight, Naruto could sense the emotions of the other genin and he found out that some were simply faking their nervousness. 'Some of them aren't even genin.' Naruto concluded. 'From their chakra and emotional stability, they're more of chunin. But why would- of course! I figured it out! We were all supposed to cheat but not get caught.'

Naruto figured out the true meaning of the exam and used his Glamour Sight to see past the genin. He saw the answers and began to copy it down.

Hinata Hyuga seemed happy that Naruto was writing down the correct answers and was going to pass this part of the chunin exams.

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