Chapter 14

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The mist grew thicker and the fake hunter nin moved to the mist, using it to cover her tracks and strike from the shadows. Naruto and Sasuke were alone to face her all the while Kakashi had a rematch with Zabuza.

''Sasuke!'' Naruto suddenly pushed the Uchiha away to avoid getting hit by some senbon needles. ''Be alert. That fake could attack at any moment.''

''I know.'' Sasuke replied and Naruto shouted to him, ''Over there!'' The blonde shot a great breakthrough at the direction in which he sensed the fake hunter nin but she was gone already.

''Secret art: crystal ice mirrors.'' The fake hunter then conjured a bunch of ice mirrors from the water and surrounded the two Leaf genin, not allowing them to escape. She then threw needles down on them and managed to land a few hits.

Naruto grunted in pain as a few needles hit him in the leg. 'My body... it's still to weak. I haven't fully recovered from the training.' He pulled out the needles and a bit of blood came out.

''Fire style: great fireball jutsu!'' Sasuke shot the fireball at the ice mirrors but they didn't melt.

''You can't melt my ice mirrors. Your fire just isn't hot enough.'' The hunter nin told them and threw more needles but Naruto made shadow clones and they took the hit.

Naruto threw shuriken empowered by wind chakra at the ice mirrors but nothing. He tried to run and get out of there but the enemy came out and kicked him back. The fake hunter nin shot a few more needles at Sasuke before retreating back.

'I'm not fast enough.' Naruto thought angrily at that fact. His body was weak and wasn't ideal for much taijutsu or speed.

''Surrender now.'' The hunter nin told them. ''I don't wish to kill you but if you continue to persist, you will leave me no choice.''

''We don't need your mercy.'' Sasuke replied. ''Naruto, can you give me a great breakthrough? If I remember, wind chakra enhances fire chakra;  so, I think our combined jutsu can get us out. Ready?'' He looked at his teammate and the blonde nodded. ''Fire style: great fireball jutsu!''

''Wind style: great breakthrough!'' Naruto also released his jutsu and it mixed with Sasuke's fireball. The combined attack made the fire more intense and the ice started to melt but not to the extent that they wanted.

'They actually managed to melt parts of my ice mirrors!' The fake hunter nin was astonished;  this was the first time this had happened. 'I have to finish them now!'

The fake hunter nin began to throw more needles and it hit the two. Naruto and Sasuke released short screams in pain as the needles hit them all over their body.

'Damn it!' Naruto cursed. 'If only... if only I could use my magic, I can easily take this fake out. But... Gramps told me it wasn't time yet and... I'm afraid I might hurt Sasuke in the process.' Naruto was then pulled by Sasuke who started to be able to read the fake hunter nin's movements.

'What the?' The fake hunter nin was surprised to see a change in the Uchiha's eyes. 'So, he also has the power of a bloodline limit.'

''Sasuke, your eyes.'' Naruto said, looking at Sasuke's eyes. ''You did it.''

''I finally awakened the sharingan, Naruto.'' Sasuke said with a small smile. ''No one harms my teammates while I'm around. Especially not some faker like you.''

''I will give you one last chance.'' The fake hunter nin told them. ''Give up now. Even if you just awakened your bloodline limit, there's nothing you can do to win.''

''We are ninja of the Leaf.'' Sasuke told her. ''We don't give up. Not now, not ever.''

''If that's how you want it, then...'' The fake hunter nin suddenly came out to attack but Naruto caught her. ''Sasuke, now!'' Naruto shouted as he threw the fake hunter nin down. Sasuke fired a great fireball but she was quick enough to dodge in time.

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