Chapter 15

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        -Village Hidden in the Leaves-

Team 7 had returned to the Hidden Leaf village after the Wave mission. They went directly to the Hokage Tower to report the details of their mission to the Third Hokage.

''That was very reckless of you, Kakashi.'' The Third Hokage scolded the tardy jonin. ''Your genin could've been hurt, if not outright dead. But... at the same time, we cannot deny the results of the mission;  especially Sasuke awakening his sharingan.''

''Lord Hokage, Mr. Tazuna told me that Wave will repay the Leaf once it's business has returned to that before Gato's takeover.'' Kakashi reported. ''We can expect the payment of an A rank by June this year, he says.''

''I see.'' Hiruzen took a puff from his smoke and looked at the genin. ''Then congratulations, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. Just genin, fresh out of the academy and having completed an A rank mission. Few genin can boast of such feats. Now, you are all dismissed and go get some well deserved rest. Naruto, can I talk with you for a moment?''

The blonde Uzumaki stayed behind while his sensei and teammates walked out. Naruto then revealed the report of the spy in the Hidden Mist and gave it to the Hokage. ''Secondary mission complete, Gramps.''

''You did well, Naruto.'' Hiruzen said and took the report. ''Tell me, Naruto, did you use magic or summon any of the 72 missions while in Wave?''

''I used the Darkness Flame once, Gramps.'' Naruto answered. ''Against Zabuza's apprentice. And no;  I did not summon any of the 72 demons while in Wave.''

''I see.'' Hiruzen exhaled from his pipe and looked carefully at the blonde. ''Remember to only use your magic in limited quantities and only as a last resort, Naruto. There will come a time when you can reveal it to everyone.''

''I was wondering when that time might be, Gramps.'' Naruto told the old Hokage.

''Remember what I told you about the chunin exams, Naruto? That it happens twice a year, shifting from village to village?'' Hiruzen asked and the blonde nodded. ''Well, the chunin exams will be held on June and in the Hidden Leaf village. Representatives from different nations and even the feudal lords will come to watch.''

Naruto understood what Hiruzen was trying to say to him. ''I can reveal my powers to the full display of the feudal lords and representatives to get them as potential clients of the Leaf village.''

Hiruzen nodded. ''Yes. Not only will you show your full capabilities to all, but the other nations will want to use Leaf ninja after seeing what all our potential genin are capable of.''

''Then, I can stop holding back once it's time for the exams?''

''Not quite, Naruto. You can use most of your magic but as for the summons, don't use the stronger ones. I would hate to see you accidentally kill the competition or destroy parts of the village. There is a final stage of the chunin exams where all the important political figures will come. I expect you to be part of the finalists, Naruto. And before I forget, here.'' Hiruzen gave Naruto a small scroll for some more wind jutsu which the blonde could learn and Naruto took it.

''I understand. Now, it's the last week of March and the exams will be two months away.'' Naruto muttered. ''More than enough time to train and overcome my weaknesses. See you, Gramps.'' Naruto waved the Hokage bye and went to his home.

(a week and a half later)

Team 7 was the first, and currently, the only team of the Rookie 9 to go on a C rank mission. After the whole Wave mission, the genin were happy for some light D ranks to get over the whole Zabuza experience.

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