Chapter 45

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          -Capital city of Hastinapur-

Naruto Namikaze woke up early that morning;  he did not wish to bother his still sleeping wife and, gently as he could, got out of the royal bed without making the slightest sound. He decided to take a walk and inspect his home, the royal palace.

Walking along the mighty halls with their beautifully made columns, Naruto always marvelled at the sight of them. His old home in the Leaf village was a regular aparment but now, his home was a palace larger than even the daimyo's own palace in the Fire Capital.

Furniture, fine pottery, curtains of the best quality fabrics and chandeliers that seemed to made of fine glass shining like diamonds made beautiful his great home. The doors, made of the best wood, opened and he walked to the other rooms to check on them. His soldiers, those who's construction was completed, stood guard and ready to carry his orders;  but the king of Uzu had no orders for them as of the moment.

Walking up to a window, Naruto took a gaze outwards at his mighty city. The great wall stretched for ninety kilometers and was about thirty feet thick and three hundred and twenty feet in height;  the part closest to the royal gate was decorated with blue glazed tiles and with depictions of bulls, lions and dragons. Guard posts and watch-towers were there to keep check and defend the walls.

The city was perfectly planned with drainage and sewage systems built first and the other structures were then built. The city was in an almost, perfect grid-like pattern and in the centre of the Hastinapur was the royal palace. Houses, market squares, buildings, factories, parks and mansions were built-- a good re-construction of the old city as it was back in it's day.

Naruto could not help but smile at his city. It was a much more magnificent site than the Hidden Leaf village or the Fire Capital.

He continued his walk and inspected his palace;  after half an hour, he returned to his bedroom and found that his wife was already awake. The bed was made and Shizuka was nowhere in sight but Naruto where she might be: the Hanging Gardens. He then went to meet with his wife.

''Good morning.'' He wished his wife as he arrived to see her in the Hanging Gardens.

''Morning, Naruto.'' Shizuka wished her husband back. ''You didn't wake me.'' She said to him.

''I didn't want to disturb you.'' Naruto replied. ''You were sleeping rather peacefully.''

Shizuka stood from her seat and joined her husband and they walked in the Hanging Gardens together. It was a most beautiful piece of architecture to behold, the Hanging Gardens;  a structure meant to imitate a mountain, having means of supplying itself with water and automatically water the plants that were inside them and having all types of aromatic plants and fruit trees. Vegetation that was the mainstay of the mountains and the lush forests and marshes.

Built atop a terrace style platform, the Garden was several floors on top of each other;  thus, giving the illusion that it was a 'hanging' garden. Small streams came here and there along with small waterfalls and self-watering devices. Sculptures of beasts also decorated the Garden and indeed, it was like a paradise.

Shizuka leaned closer to her husband and embracing his arm in a hug. ''No matter how many times I see the Garden, I can never get tired of it.'' She said to her husband in a low, soft tone.

''I made it just for you, Shizuka.'' Naruto said to her. ''Nadeshiko village was surrounded by lush green forests and I... I believed you might not like the way uncle Kazan had planned the city's construction. So, I wanted something to remind you of Nadeshiko with here.''

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