Chapter 57

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Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi wanted revenge on the two Akatsuki members who were responsible for Asuma Sarutobi's death. Kakashi Hatake, along with Sai, joined them in their struggle.

Danzo Shimura, weary of the Akatsuki's increasing threat level, allowed for a mission to kill the Akatsuki members. As the Akatsuki hunt team were fighting, help would come in the form of Hiromi Namikaze and a squad of chunin.

The fight was gruesome and long, lasting till the afternoon. Shikamaru had successfully taken Hidan the Jashinist away, leaving Kakuzu to deal with the Leaf ninja. The 90+ year old 'immortal' rogue nin had a difficult time facing the famous Copy-Ninja Kakashi Hatake, and lost 2 hearts in the fight.

Sai was holding on his own but the other two chunin were a different story. Ino was not on the same level a fighter as Sakura Haruno and Choji Akimichi was still traumatized from his last mission. The two, despite their talents and skills, were more of a liability in this mission.

Kakashi panted heavily and his clothes were torn from the fight against Kakuzu;  but he was still capable of fighting. Then, Hiromi Namikaze arrived at the scene and announced her presence with a loud, ''Am I late!?'' Kakashi just let out an amused chuckle at that. ''Let's see what you got, Hiromi.''

''Shadow clone jutsu!'' Hiromi made three in front of her and a flaming rasengan was in her hands. The sight shocked everyone, especially Kakashi. ''Fire style: rasenmolotov.''

'Minato sensei, she actually succeeded in combining an elemental with the rasengan! You would be proud of her.'

'The clones are nothing. I'll focus on the original,' devised Kakuzu and he shot his tendrils. The clones jumped away and he jumped up and shot them at Hiromi. His tendrils however, were burned to ashes instantaneously by the rasenmolotov and Kakuzu felt a great heat coming to his insides. 'What kind of jutsu is this?' he wondered and shot a fire-wind combo at Hiromi, who poofed away. 'She mixed herself in with the clones?'

''Wind style: rasenshuriken!'' Hiromi then threw her other jutsu at Kakuzu and a large orb of wind chakra enveloped the rogue nin. Kakuzu's atoms were split apart and the immortal, who fancied himself as the one who survived Hashirama Senju, met a brutal end.

Seeing the battle was over and Kakuzu dead, Ino Yamanaka happily cheered, ''Hooray! We won!'' Shikamaru Nara also came, happy to report that Hidan was also taken care of. The Leaf team then returned back to the village.

      -Village Hidden in the Leaves-

Another victim of the 'plague' was found and immediately taken to the underground hospitals. It took 10 guards to subdue him and enough sedatives to make a horse unconscious. Everyday, the doctors of the Hidden Leaf were busy in trying to decode this illness.

A doctor watched as the man was chained to the wall and he was moving about like a bound animal. His mouth frothed like a rabid dog and he was speaking in tongues. The victim's voice was harsh, painful to listen and it seemed like he was crying. The reports about these patients was basically non existent and the doctor could only sigh.

The doors opened and four Foundation ninja brought Yakumo Kurama inside. ''Is this... her? The one lord Hokage told me of?'' the doctor asked and got reply. Danzo hoped that the Kurama clan's powerful genjutsu might do the trick.

''Do it now,'' ordered the Foundation captain and Yakumo timidly stepped forward.

The doctor noted that there was a collar on Yakumo's neck and her body had scars-- scars that looked like it was done by a stick and an electric device. Yakumo Kurama did not wish to endure another session of her 'training' and used her genjutsu powers on the victim.

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