Chapter 39

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A palm that had lightning in it came to life;  a masked man moved and, with not a moments hesitation, struck a girl in her chest.

''Kakashi... why?'' she asked and fell dead.

''Sensei... Naruto... forgive me.''

''Kakashi? What have you done? What have you done!?''

A gigantic fox with nine tails came from the girl's corpse and it laid devastation onto everything. People fled in all directions-- men, women and children-- and the fox's mighty claw sent debris, killing thousands of them with no discrimination. Hundreds of his comrades died and all the while he stood, unable to do anything;  as if he was stuck to his place.

''Kakashi Hatake, for committing murder and releasing the fox, you are charged with treason!'' Declared a bandaged man and a blade fell to cut his head. All he saw... was the disappointed faces of everyone.

''Kakashi, how could you kill my daughter like that?''

''I'll make you wish you were dead, Kakashi!''

''You killed sensei's daughter like you killed me.''

''You're just a teammate killer. I can't believe I gave you my eye.''

''You're a disappointment, son.''

''Sensei, did you avenge me?''

Kakashi Hatake jolted from his bed, sweating profusely and breathing heavily. He looked at his surroundings and found himself in his bedroom and in his house. ''It was... just a nightmare?'' He asked himself as he looked at his shaky hands.

Indeed, it was a nightmare. He had killed Hiromi Namikaze and released the nine tailed demon fox which proceeded to kill thousands. He was charged with treason and then was executed. In the afterlife, he saw the disappointed and angry faces of his late teacher, his wife, his two deceased teammates, his father and his student.

Kakashi put his palm over his head as he panted heavily. The nightmare felt so real, like it actually happened and he had done the deed, killing Hiromi. Was he so angry over Sakura's death that he had a hidden desire to kill the girl? It was possible but he didn't have the answer to that question.

Kakashi looked at his alarm clock and saw that it was 3:45 A.M. 'Might as well wake up now.' He thought and got up. He couldn't sleep anymore and decided to take an early morning training exercise.

He went to the nearby training ground and started to drill himself. He needed an activity with which to forget his nightmare and he choose to train his body. Kakashi practised his fire and lightning jutsus and also his earth jutsu-- techniques which he copied in his career as a ninja.

His time in the ANBU was temporary and he would be reinstated as a jonin not too long from now and he would be given a new genin team as well. He had to better himself, as a ninja and as a teacher.

'Not... enough.' Kakashi surmised and he used the body flicker to be miles away from the village. He again started work on a S rank lightning jutsu, an upgrade of the lightning dragon jutsu, which he called 'kirin'.

Kakashi shot lightning to the air and the clouds came around. The natural lightning particles mixing with nature chakra but it still wasn't enough. The jutsu was far from completion.

Kakashi did not give up hope;  he would train until he did master it.

         -capital city of Hastinapur-

''Misogi: barrier.'' Mikan Uzumaki, Naruto's young cousin, swung her gohei and a barrier made of yellow light came to protect her. Kunai, shuriken and even a C rank jutsu were all made ineffective by the barrier that she summoned.

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