★ How did you meet?♀️

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It was a hot, sunny day.
All you really want to do is to consume something cold. Whether it's an iced drink or an ice cream, you didn't care.. as long as it can help you cool off of the heat.
You slided open the glass door of an ice cream shop, your right foot being the first to step in, and followed with your left. Your footsteps echoing, its sound attracting the attention of other people sat inside. Ignoring them, you walked up to the cashier and looked at the menu.

'Chocolate Sundae 5$
Strawberry Sundae 5$
Oreo Sundae 5$
Thai Milk Tea 6$
Boba Milk Tea 6$
Vanilla Cone 3$
Chocolate Cone 3$
Sea Salt Cone 3$
Matcha Cone 3$
Vanilla & Chocolate Mix 4$'

Your eyes kept on moving from top to bottom, while a frown grows on your face. You had a hard time deciding on what to order.
You stood there for a solid two minutes, while the cashier muttered something under his breath, seemingly pissed off.
It was before the silence got interrupted by a feminine voice that spoke to you.
"Doze off much? I want to order too, you know.."
You turned your head around to find the source of the voice. A white haired girl wearing a sailor uniform stared into your eyes, and a look of impatience slowly grew onto her face. Upon realising you made someone wait too much, you blurted a random ice cream to the cashier, and then walked to a nearby table in embarassment.

Ever since then, both you and Sora grew close! Uh, way too close though.

-Yoruko Kabuya
You sighed to yourself. This was the fourth time you had to deal with a bunch of bullies today. Having yourself pinned to the wall, the group of jocks kept on mocking you, while the leader demanded that you give him a good amount of money.
Not wanting to lose your precious money, you spat at his face and let out a LOUD snicker after doing so.
The jock's eye began to twitch in anger. Slowly, but surely.. he raises his right arm, ready to blow a punch to your face. You shut your eyes tight, waiting for the pain, before..-

Both you and the jock looked over to the source of the yell simultaneously, followed by his minions.
There stood a pink, mixed with peach-haired girl dressed in a short revealing blue dress. In her hands, was a phone, sideways, pointed at us.

"I'm recording. And if you don't leave them alone, who knows how many websites the video can reach?"
Speaking with a threatening yet comforting tone of voice, her eyes were kept directly at the jock that was holding you.
The jocks then cursed at her before rushing off to somewhere else.

Both of you became besties afterwards. A very one-sided friendship, I can tell you.

-Iroha Nijiue
A famous painter transfered to your school a week ago. You've never actually seen her in person before, but you do know what she looks like.
Her name, is, Iroha Nijiue.
A sweet and energetic petite girl who always warms up your heart. Because of her status as a painter, hundreds of students always followed her wherever she goes, never giving her privacy whatsoever.
On a particular day which is today, you bumped into Iroha while you were on your way to the restroom.

You noticed that she had tears on her face, and she no longer had people following her.
You grew worried and helped her get up. "Are you okay?" Was the first thing you ever spoke to her.
She looks up at you with her teary green eyes, before letting out a sob.

"I-I.. I'm n-not..."

Even though you never personally knew her, it broke and shattered your heart to see her like this. In the fit of the moment, you went to embrace her in a hug, drawing circles on her back. She cries onto your chest. And a few moments later, she began to slowly calm down and starts explaining the situation.

She was bothered as always, by her fanatic fans. She decided that she has had enough, so she stood up and yelled at them to leave her alone. Instead of getting what she wants, people began cursing words at her, bodyshaming her, insulting her, and even tried to hurt her, because they couldn't accept the fact that their favorite celebrity wants a privacy.
From that day on, you swore to protect her.

She became clingy to you afterwards.

-Kanade Otonokoji
Kanade was a very sweet and loving girl.
She has been your best friend since childhood, and both of you cared for each other deeply.
The bond of you and Kanade's surpassed her bond with her own twin sister.
It got to the point where you always see each other daily.
To top it all off, the three of you, including her twin sister, formed a musical band together; Melody Rhythm ♪! Everyone was obsessed with the three of you, and most of your songs were streamed daily in every websites/apps.

Basically, she's with you for your whole life, whether you like it or not.

(Kanade and Hibiki's AU are related.)

-Hibiki Otonokoji
Hibiki was your childhood best friend too, and she was always there for you.
The three of you, including her twin sister, formed a musical band together; Melody Rhythm ♪! The three of you were very adored by almost everybody in the world.

She's always lurking in the shadow, never having the spotlight when it comes to you.

-Setsuka Chiebukuro
The first day of school, you were very introverted and rarely spoke to anyone, and even teachers.
You had hard time trying to socialize with others, fearing that you would be judged.
Though, a certain blue haired girl in your class, Setsuka.. she was very nice to everyone, and has a kindhearted nature that pulls at your heart's strings.

You could already tell that she is going to be the daydream to this nightmare of a school. Wanting to be her friend, you tried to gather up courage to talk to her.
But, luckily, she was the one to approach you first.

"Oo, a cute kid spotted!
I'm Setsuka Chiebukuro, your new big sis from now on~" With her tall figure towering over you, you couldn't help but blush to the embarassment.

You're never gonna have to worry about anything from now on.

-Emma Magorobi
You were living your best life as a toddler.
You have all kinds of toys, a lot of kindergarten friends, and loving parents!
Your life has been all sunshines and rainbows so far.

One day, your parents allowed you to go cycling. Feeling excitement rise up from all over your body, you got on your bike and starts cycling away from your house.
You knew that your parents told you not to go so far, but, what could go wrong?
It went from leaving your house, to leaving your neighborhood.
Because you were so young, you eventually got lost and couldn't find your way back. You panicked and stopped at a certain point.

You find yourself in a neighborhood that seems to be uninhabited.
Now you finally realise how far away you are from your house.
You panicked, and tried to go in one of the houses, in hope that there may be somebody living inside.

You knocked on the door, knowing how stupid you were for hoping that..-

"..w-who are you...?" A long and black haired girl, who was around the same age as you, stood there after opening the door. You saw a lot of burn marks on both of her arms and let out a yelp.
You decide to run away, get on your bike, and drive away.

When you somehow returned back to your house, you were met with a lot of scolding from your parents. However, you told them about the girl.

The girl, Emma Magorobi, was eventually located by the polices and adopted by a wealthy couple.

You finally realised there are bad sides to life itself.

She wants to thank you her in own way.

-Kokoro Mitsume
You were on your way to class, before a girl unexpectedly bumped into you, causing you to fall back and landing on your bum.
"Ow!" You let out with a hint of annoyance. You looked up to see a brown haired girl, her eyes deeply staring at yours, with a serious expression. That expression of her gave you some uneasiness as well.
Something was off about her.

"..what.. are you...?"
Before you can say anything else, she walked away, dissapearing from your sight.

You gained a secret admirer from then on.

Words: 1453

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