★ Suicidal Reader♂️

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TW's: Toxic relationship, self harm

How would they react to a suicidal reader?

-Yuki Maeda☘️
Very supportive! He would take you to therapy and after every session ends, he will smother you with affection and won't let go unless you say so. Ever since his worry grew due to the fact that you're suicidal, he's became a lot more clingy but in a good way because you need that emotional support.

-Shobai Hashimoto🚬
At first he tries to act like he doesn't care, but the thought of losing you scares him so much that he would hurt himself multiple times. Soon after, he will drop the act and finally actually care for you. Sometimes he just doesn't know what to do, so he randomly gives you a huge stash of money, hoping it helps. But obviously it doesn't so he takes you to therapy, and since he's not good with this he can't be considered your emotional support.

-Mikado Sannoji🎩
80% thinks you're faking it for attention. But, hey, despite having to be accused of lying for a million times a day, you'll get spoiled like a rich kid. He takes you to travel the world and rent the most expensive hotels just for the two of you. Cooks you a 5 star meal three times a day, followed with a fancy dessert after dinner. Isn't the best boyfriend ever but thinks he is.

-Nikei Yomiuri🖋️
50% thinks you're faking it for attention.
"Are you trying to get me to pity you? That's not working." literally said this.
Won't even do anything to cheer you up, will still treat you like shit. Although at night he sometimes thinks to himself, what if you're not lying? He gets so scared of the possibility that he hates himself for it. After at least 2 weeks, he's finally gonna treat you a little better. He won't insult you anymore and takes you out on a date 3 times a week. If you ask why, he's just gonna dismiss it. Be happy that he gets a lot nicer now.

-Shinji Kasai🧯
He's genuinely so scared, and since he's not really good with stuffs like this, he would ask his friends for advice. After a while, he asks to take a break from his job, just so he could spend everyday comforting and supporting you. Eventually, he figured that taking you to therapy would be best, but he would stay right by your side during the sessions. He makes sure that everyone will treat you nicely too. You find it weird that literal strangers have been greeting you a good morning everyday you pass by them.

-Hajime Makunouchi🥊
Makes you go to the gym whether you like it or not. Cheers you on as he watches you lift weights. This man is all about exercising, so he's positive that hitting the gym is the solution (and he's pretty much right).

-Yuri Kagarin🚀
Hires a professional therapist for you, treats you like a queen, buys millions of expensive shits for you, takes you to visit every single countries on this earth. He's both physically and emotionally there for you. But the catch is he doesn't know how to leave you alone, he's just way too worried to give you a space just like Hibiki.

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