★ How did you meet?♂️

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-Yuki Maeda
First day of school.
You understood how much of a nightmare it was going to be.
Walking to your class, with your footsteps echoing, an anxious expression slowly grew on your face. You couldn't help but slightly tremble at the thought of having to deal with so much people on your first day.

You got to the door and hesitated on opening.
You raised your hand to the doorknob, twisting it and pushing the door open.
You were immediately greeted with weird looks from kids inside.
The looks on their faces says it all, you understood how mean they are going to be.

All of the seats seems to be occupied at this point. Well, excluding the one at the very back. There sat a ginger haired boy next to the empty seat.
You swiftly approached it and sat down, while glancing at your deskmate a few times.

"Ah, h-hey...
First day of school, must be tough for you too, huh?", he suddenly spoke to you, with the same expression as yours. Anxious.

Seems like there's still a nice kid left then.

-Shobai Hashimoto
You may not heard much of him before, but..
He often skips class, or doesn't even come at all.
A gray-haired teenager whose appearance was very old looking, along with his hair that he doesn't seem to take care of.
I think his name was Shoi? Or Shaboi? Or Hamo? What was it again?

Nobody really knew much about him.

Surprisingly, despite his indiscipline when it comes to school, he was top of the class. He always scores higher than everybody else. So much potential wasted, it would be better if he focused on school instead..

Well, anyway, the bell has just ringed, finally ending this nightmare and rushing students to go homes.
You were on your walk back to home, when you noticed someone that fits all the criterias of that guy Shaboi's apperances, lurking around before going to a secluded area.

Being the curious person you are, you followed him closely from behind, tip-toeing to make sure he doesn't catch a noise.

After you both walked pretty far away from the neighborhood, going to an inhabitated area, he stopped and sat on the ground. He then pulls out a cigaratte.

You were hiding behind a dumpster, waiting for anything to happen.
This was getting boring, as you finally regret ever following him.
Hey, at least you can finally see him in person. He's not as ugly as people described him to be.

Seconds later, a tall muscular man in hoodies came out of nowhere and Shab- or whatever, stood up. They both exchanged conversations and you didn't really hear what they said.
Not long after, old looking grey haired guy pulls out a black plastic bag, although you weren't sure what was inside, before he finaly hands it to the tall man. In return, the tall man then gave him a huge amount of cash.

You stood there confused, trying to understand what you've just saw. Was there diamonds inside the plastic bag? Or a jewelry?

Uneasiness began to crawl up on your mind. All you wanted to do was leave this place. When you took a step back, you accidentally stepped on a branch, making a noise and making the two guys turn over to the source of the noise.

Oh damn. This is not looking well.

"Come out, stalker guy. I know you've been following me for quite a long time now", the Shaboi guy spoke out, before marching over to you.

He finally sees you.
Both of you glanced at each other, went silent, and stood there. Not until he pulls out a dagger.
Instead of running away like any other normal person would, you shut your eyes tightly and asked for him to make it painless. Surprisingly, after a few seconds, you heard footsteps.
You opened your eyes in an instant, only to find that he didn't try harming you. Moreover, he was amused, unbeknownst to you.

"Heh, they're not a human being for sure", he muttered to himself shortly after.

-Mikado Sannoji
It was late at night, and the streets were empty. There didn't seem to be anyone at all, excluding the vehicles that passed by.
The silence was loud.
Your footsteps was the only thing keeping it from being completely silent.
After only a few seconds of walking,
You began to feel a bit of water on you, as you looked up in an instant.
Rain was beginning to fall, while you were still 10 minutes away from home.

You let out a groan and decide to start running, in fear that the rain would start getting heavier.
It sadly did.

You felt yourself constantly getting drenched with the rain, with your entire body growing more and more wet. Suddenly, it stopped.

You looked up, to find a tall slender male dressed in a cloak. He was sheltering you with his galaxy themed cloak, while looking at you with his expressionless face. Eh, he had a half mask on though.

"Th-thank you..."
You said.
But before you can say anything else, he suddenly vanished from your sight.

You blinked rapidly before letting out another groan, after getting drenched with heavy rain once again.

From that day on, you begin to see him a lot more. Turns out, he was a student at your school. I can't say that you both grew to become friends, but it was more to simply being acquaintances.

-Nikei Yomiuri
As a toddler, you deeply loved to play at the playgrounds.
You had everything you needed.
Sand, and a toy shovel.
The only missing thing is a friend.
Wouldn't it be nice to have someone build a sandcastle, together with you?

That's when you spotted a black haired boy in red sweater. He stood near the slide, keeping quiet and still. You noticed that he was gripping a notebook in his right hand.

You called him over to build sandcastles with you, in which he agreed to.

"...I.. I would love to play..."
He spoke in an unusually quiet manner, before lifting up the corners of his lips, forming a smile.

Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. Nikei went from being your friend, then growing up to be a self centered asshole. You're hella convinced that high school is the era where everyone just drastically change.

-Shinji Kasai
You are going to die.
You are going to burn to death.
You are not living another day,
You repeat in your mind.

Your surroundings were filled with fire. There was no way for you to survive now.

This all happened because you wanted to cook something on your own. Due to the fact that you've never been taught about cooking before, your naive self wanted to learn on your own. And, well, a fire started afterwards.

Tears began to fall from your eyes.
You kneeled down in an instant, and looked up, praying to every God you could think of. Oh, lord, save me, you repeated.

Wishes do get granted sometimes.

Seconds later, a man came rushing inside and extinguished the fire, saving your life.

You learned the name of the hero; Shinji Kasai.
I can positively declare that he has gained a close friend since then.

-Hajime Makunouchi
It was a veeeery nice day, until you bumped into someone.
Tall, muscular, scary looking.
You couldn't help but instantly group him with one of those delinquents.

You shut your eyes in an instant, praying to God; Oh lord, please let me off with just a single bruise this time!


"You okay, kid?"
That deep tone of his voice pierced through your ears.
Slowly, you opened your eyes, only to find the 'gangster' holding out a hand for you to reach.

"...oh, so you think I'm one of those gangsters?" Soon, you were met with a loud chuckle. Seems like you're clean of bruises today.

Hajime is a caring, and protective friend. He cares about you more than anyone does.

-Yuri Kagarin (If you're a girl)
"Woah, you're beautiful.."
That was it. The very first thing he said after meeting you.
He himself said it, that he's a loser for every single girls on this earth.
But you-
...you stood out from everyone else, according to him.

You're just so special to him.

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