★ If You Were Getting Bullied♂️

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-Yuki Maeda☘️
"I might not be strong, but I'll put you through hell just to teach you to STOP being a bully!" He might be a coward, but you're his top priority, so he can put aside a few punches he might have to take later. He will defend you and fight the bully if he has to, knowing he would lose anyway. Nothing matters as long as you're okay. He doesn't like going as far as killing, but he only does it if they still won't stop.

-Shobai Hashimoto🚬
He won't do anything, unless you ask him to. Give him the name and he will kill their whole family.

-Mikado Sannoji🎩
The SECOND he finds out about this, nothing stops him from doing what he could AND would. The most extreme he can do is torture (physically) them for a few days, as he thinks death is way too good for a bully. That person will comes out alive, only with blinded eyes and permanently amputated legs.

-Nikei Yomiuri🖋️
"Pftt, you're asking me to do something about YOUR problem?"
Still kills the bully anyway.

-Shinji Kasai🧯
Traps the bully in some kind of abandoned house and sets it in flames. He may be kind, but he won't hesitate to cross the line for you<3 (this is so funny for me)

-Hajime Makunouchi🥊
Drags the bully to a secluded area, and by that I mean a secluded area for several delinquent gangs' hideout. While the "audience" bets money on who would win, the match would be lasting until one dies. Now, there is no way in hell someone would defeat Hajime, so you can already imagine who's going to win or in other word live, and who's going to lose or in other word die. For the "audience" thing, it's just a way to humiliate the bully.

-Yuri Kagarin🚀
Knowing Yuri,
he would only forgive the bully as long as they're a girl.
On the other hand, if the bully was a guy... you know, he kills them in brutal ways. Forcefeeding them mud until they suffocate, or chopping off their limbs one by one, there's infinite possibilities for sure.

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