★ Unimportant

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I sure hope I won't get doxxed for this but uhh

Hot take: Nikei ain't allat

Listen, I know he's one of the most amazing written characters in sdra2, but I've seen way too many people overlook the other characters. Like Kanade! I know we hate her SO MUCH but her character is easily the best written one, like doesn't it amaze you that a fictional character like her is able to creep out real ppl? And while I do enjoy Nikei's character, I seriously dislike him.. y'all don't wanna know how badly I want to see him horribly tortured. I've tried to like him, and at one point I did- but then his simps just have to come and say the weirdest things known to mankind. "Nikei is innocent!!" or "Nikei didn't deserve to die." that made me dislike him even more and guess what YES HE DID DESERVE TO DIE I'M SORRY. I seriously wish that characters like Shinji or Hajime would have more recognition. Hajime? He genuinely changed, as seen in Void Threate and it's awesome.Shinji? HE'S LITERALLY AN ANGEL I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHHHH!!! And don't get me started on Shobai, he's epic:D

Now I wanna talk abt smth unrelated to me disliking Nikei, but do you guys feel like I mischaracterize him too much in this Yandere book? What about him should I change to make him more of a realistic Yandere? (Even tho there is no realistic Yandere)

The reason I asked- is because, so far all of the SDRA2 x Reader I've read, he just has to be a tsundere pervert h0rni uwu cutie baka boy. Like he is genuinely so misunderstood.

But I found a rlly good fanfic that actually makes Nikei very Nikei-like :D It's focused on Nikei and Mikado! Yes it's Sanniuri but LET ME FINISH- The fanfic is about Yandere Nikei sorta trying to swim out of his misery while facing his main problem, Mikado. It's not entirely Sanniuri since it focuses on other characters too. This may sound stupid but I remember crying to that book once- I won't spoil much but if ur interested..
9-Reads Journalist
...is the title.
Currently it's still on going, and each chapters are very entertaining so prepare a snack before reading!

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