★ Captivity♀️♂️

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How do they treat you in your captivity?

She can be really REALLY nice if you're obedient. Tell her whatever you want, and she grants it! Wait, you don't even have to ask, she will immediately give it to you! But oh boy, how different things will be if you act the complete opposite. She will purposely starve you and deny your basic neccesities. I say, just be nice and you'll have the best time of your life.

-Emma Magorobi🎭
Same as Sora, but she won't be as cruel as Sora if you misbehave. She'll just leave you alone after delivering meals. She understands that she needs to give you space first in order to gain your trust.

-Kokoro Mitsume🧠
It's not like she's itching to scare you into loving her. Once she has you in her hands, she will treat you like how a mother would treat her baby. So, no violence and no abuse. I'll explain more about her experiment someday btw;)

-Shobai Hashimoto🚬
Surprisingly nice. He's not here to hurt you into loving him, he's here to protect you from dangers. Let's just say that someone is after your life because they figured out Shobai has a friend and wants to use you to get back at Shobai for whatever reason (he works in a black market, don't expect things to be rainbows and sunshines, bro probably has 20 opps after him). He knows that you're scared because you literally got kidnapped, which is why he will make a small talk with you very often to get you used to it. He would also try to make you understand that he's not doing this for his pleasure. After like a week, I'm sure you will be chill with him again.

-Mikado Sannoji🎩
Obsesses over you for 24/7 just like he does with Utsuro in the game. Will ALWAYS bother you no matter what. Don't expect him to respect your boundaries. Once you're in his hands, you'll forget what a personal space even is. He's such an azzhole that he demands your attention all day no matter how scared you are. Sometimes if you ignore him for too much, he will threaten to hurt you. Sometimes- he actually does.

-Nikei Yomiuri🖋️
If you remove Kanade from this book, he is the WORST yandere out of everyone here. Isn't it bad he even surpasses Mikado? He took you here for a reason; to torture you. He finds the fun in scaring you until you cry and have a panic attack. He will sometimes leave you to starve for his own entertainment too. Also, he makes you sleep on the ground without a blanket too. When he feels like it, which is veeeerrryy rare, he can be nice to you and maybe give you some movies to watch. But remember this is like VERY rare. He just wants to satisfy his insecurity by picking on the weaker y'know.

-Yuri Kagarin🚀
Treats you like a queen. No questions asked. Even if you ask him to treat you like shit (idk, for fun maybe), he REFUSES. Would buy a castle for you if you ever said you're bored. Ask him to buy the moon and he'll have it delivered to you in 3-5 business day.

(Hey pooks I just want to remind you that Nikei is going to get so much worse from now on so stay strong!! Actually I hope you can tolerate some very triggering things while reading about his part)

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