Stained Purple |🖋️ Nikei × Reader

267 3 19

TW: Blood, violence, pic of an eyeball

You think to yourself; is love at first sight even real?
Some would say it isn't.
While some would say it is.

In the middle of those two penetrating sides, there stood you; someone who was always unsure, whenever it comes to love.
You keep thinking about him, but is it in a romantic kind of way? By him, I mean the class president.

The one who attracts people without even trying...
And between one of those people he attracted, there stood you, once again.

It could be a platonic attraction, or romantic attraction, in which you yourself are still questioning until today.
Your first interaction with him was a simple bumping, which ended with him apologizing over and over to you.
Ever since then, he was never able to leave your mind.

I'm sure it's platonic..
You write on your diary.

Then again, if it isn't, I'll ask him out!
Surely he likes me back.
I mean, he always gives me those looks.. and always greets me a good morning everyday. Isn't it enough proof that he likes me back?
Wait, but he does that to everyone..
You know what?
I don't even like him that way!

As you grasp your pen and drag it from left to right, it produces a repetitious sound, forming a cursive writing.

But then, what is this feeling in my heart..?
Why am I feeling something more than a simple friendship thing?

Forget it, maybe I do like him.
And what can I do if he doesn't feel the same?
But, he does make eye contact with me constantly..
Maybe I need to ask a male friend.
Someone who should knows how Hatano really feels.
Guys understand each other, right?

With a click, you set your pen down on the table. You had made up your mind.

You tapped the shoulder of your deskmate, waiting for him to turn his attention to you.
When he did, you were met with a dirty look om his face.
A look of annoyance, you're sure.

"What do you want."
He says this with a cold, firm tone of voice, making sure you understand that he's not one to be buddy-buddy with.

"Do you know if Hatano likes me?"
You make sure to whisper it in a level that he can hear. Once again, he gave you a weird, judging look. He was about to open his mouth before you interrupted him; "Oookaayy, I know what you're thinking. You're not friends with him, and why am I asking you out of everyone?-
Look, you're both guys, so surely you must understand the feelings of another guy's."

He blinked several times, clicking his tongue and tapping his hand on the table.
"That is the stupidest mindset anyone could have. Moreover, what do I gain from helping you?" Helping... you repeat in your mind.

"If you help me, I'll buy you a set of stationery."
You'll help him in return of him helping you.
You knew about this kid's hobby, which is writing articles, so..
And, just as you predicted...
"Heh, bet." along with a sigh.


Nikei Yomiuri huh?
He may seem like a cool person at first, but it all turns ugly once you get to know him.
He was nothing more than a rude jerk.

"Hatano is nothing more than an attention seeking twink. I don't get why you like him so much." Yes, that's what he told you at lunchtime. You kept your mouth shut anyway, not wanting to break the deal that the both of you have agreed on.

Oh, and about the deal..
He promised to talk to Hatano after school, and he will tell you the result afterwards.
And in return, the set of stationery you promised NEEDS to be given to him when tomorrow comes.

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