A Favor To Return |🚀Yuri × Reader

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No Warnings.

You remembered it clearly, a vivid memory.
7 years ago, you saved a homeless kid around your age.

His eyes were that of an innocence,
his smile was sweet..
But don't forget the infected wound on his arm.

Your mother always taught you to be kind, even to animals and plants.
So, seeing the severe condition he was in, you brought him to the nearest hospital and payed for all the medical costs.

What he said before you departed from him still bothered you until today; "I'll find you someday and won't let you go", he whispered with a smile.
Even though it was meant to be in a wholesome way, you took it as a threat.
Surely, he's just trying to thank you, but he just didn't have the right words for it.
You reassured yourself several times.
A million times even.I'll find you someday and won't let you go

Why is something as small as this not able to leave your mind?


since that day, you unexpectedly had 5 strange dreams, 5 days in a row. All five dreams featuring the same boy bothering your mind.
In each of them, you see him blinking in a strange way.
Sometimes slow, sometimes fast, or it would change from fast to slow at times, but the blinking motion was different in each dreams.
Strangely enough too, you were able to memorize all of them.
Surely, it had some kind of meaning to it,
and maybe that's why you decided to learn morse code the week before, and today you will finally satisfy your curiousity.

This was the result.

Putting your messy handwriting and the doodles aside;

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Putting your messy handwriting and the doodles aside;


...is what you have.
You didn't even care about the fact that it was written grammatically incorrect, as fear has now made its way to your entire body.
What are you supposed to change?

Your hands trembled as they reached for the book, while the sweats won't stop falling.
No matter how much you tugged on your hair or gritted your teeth, nothing is able to change the sight in front of you.

There's nothing you can do.


The lovely daily chirping of birds woke you up.
What's your plan for today?
Obviously it was to work.
Being a cashier doesn't pay you that much, but it was still enough to fulfill your basic neccesities. You enjoy your job, no matter how strange it may sound. You do love interacting with people afterall.

After getting ready in the span of 20 minutes, you made your way to your workplace.
Surprisingly enough, the event of yesterday didn't affect you that much.
Who knows, maybe it was because of you cracking the mystery after so long gave you a sense of relief.

Something caught your eye that made you stop in your tracks.
You noticed a hooligan severely beating up an old person in an alleyway.
Once again, you remembered what your mom taught you.
"Be kind and help others"-
that was what drove you to rush over to the chaos recklessly. You knew that getting involved may cost you your life, but you couldn't bear to see an old person die in the hands of a disgusting person. Why do people love tormenting helpless people who can't defend themselves?
Somehow, strangely, the hooligan ran away after seeing you step in. You breathed out a sigh of relief as you went to check on the old grandpa, making sure that his heart was still beating.

Suddenly, you feel a hand over your mouth, and another hand on your neck. It was too late as you feel a syringe injected into your neck.


You find your eyes slowly opening,
as you blinked a few times and found it slightly painful to open them.
In the end, they shot awake.

"My dear baby, I see that you are now awake!"
You heard a voice interrupt the silence.
A voice with an accent..
A deep voice as well?
Your curiousity was now satisfied as a head leaned closer to yours, showing the face of the person that just spoke.

His hair was a mix of reddish pink and sage green, and his eyes showed an enthusiastic nature.
Wait a minute..

"You were attacked by the robber because you tried to save the grandpa, how generous of you." his smile dissapears and replaced with a frown, seemingly trying to show sympathy.
Wait, where even is this? It looks like a bedroom. Anyway, putting that aside...
you didn't get attacked, rather, you got knocked out by a mysterious person.

Tell him, then.
What? Uh, I mean, okay, I will.
...what are you waiting for? Tell him about his misunderstanding.
I am!
I-I mean- I'm trying! But, I can't get my voice out..?

He then noticed what you were trying to do.
"Oh? I see.
You better cherish the last ever time you spoke."
His words sent a shiver down your spine.
What does he mean by that?
You screamed, no, tried to-
but nothing came out.
You moved your hands to your throat, scratching it, and doing whatever you could.
But, your voice still wouldn't come out no matter what you did.
You finally sat up from your lying position, facing him in the eyes. He was short thus making you slightly look down at him.

This- this guy-
"I'll find you someday and won't let you go"-
There was no mistaking it.
He was the person from 7 years ago, now here to claim what's his.

"You know, dear?
I specifically told that guy to attack you when you stepped in! Why didn't he do as I said..? I payed him so much money, and he dares to disobey me?! I swear to take my money back!"
Pay? Nothing was making sense to you. What was he saying?
"Oh, sorry-
Let me clear up the confusion.
They were both paid actors. It was a test from me, I wanted to see if you would intervene.. to my satisfaction, you did! I'm so proud of you darling." As he moved his hand to touch yours, yours moved away instantly.

"The situation was supposed to have you be attacked by him, and make you pass out. But then, I, a kind stranger found you and helped you!" He explained it while still having a smile on his face.

So, nothing was actually happening then? It was all fake?

"Poor darling, you seem so confused..
But, don't you recognize me?"
You nodded to his question, and that gave him a bigger smile.
"Hehe... you can't change fate. We were meant to be."
You looked away from him.
Change fate.
That warning that was given to you..
You understood what was supposed to be changed.
Your kind-hearted nature that always strive to help others.
Because of it, you tried to play the hero, trying to save a guy from a hooligan that was robbing him, which wasn't even a real attack in the first place.

You wanted nothing other than to get out of this place, away from him.
Yet, you couldn't move your legs at all..
"Don't bother.
Not only I cut your voice box, you are also paralyzed from the waist down." Once again, his words sent a shiver down your spine. You turned your head to face him, finding him with a menacing smile.
You didn't want to believe it, but, still-
No matter how much you try to move your legs, you can't.

"I love you so much, honey!

Thank you for helping me 7 years ago.
I am truly thankful, and as a thank you from me, I will also help you! In my own ways that is.

I will feed you everyday, I will also help you with bathroom neccesities, and much more! Doesn't it all sound lovely?"

He grabbed your chin with both of his hands, gripping it tightly.

"Let's spend the rest of our lives together."

Words: 1331
(I don't rlly like this one, especially with all that stuffs from the beginning)

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