★ Kidnapping♀️♂️

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Would they kidnap you?

Depends (example; if you cheated on her).

-Yoruko Kabuya🍷
Even as a yandere, she knows to never cross the line so NO.

-Iroha Nijiue🎨
Well, she wants to, but the only thing stopping is her is that she doesn't know how to do it. If she ever did, she probably forgot to tie you up first. If she already dealed with that, then she's meant to forget another important thing, like maybe forgetting to put a duct tape on your mouth. If that was also taken care of, then looks like she forgot about having to dispose of your phone first. So, maybe not (out of her stupidity).

-Kanade Otonokoji🎵
No need, you're already hers whether you like it or not (uhh puppet thingy).

-Hibiki Otonokoji🎶
Is JEALOUS over the fact that Kanade owns you and that she's even stubborn about sharing. Eventually, she may try to kidnap you mentally- like always clinging to you wherever you go so Kanade won't have time to be with you.

-Setsuka Chiebukuro🎱
Her top priority is making you happy, so NO.

-Emma Magorobi🎭
Same as Sora.

-Kokoro Mitsume🧠
Ever since she met you, she has always been fantasizing about kidnapping you and then experimenting on you. So yes.

-Yuki Maeda☘️
No. Absolutely not.

-Shobai Hashimoto🚬
Depends too. Only if your life is in danger because you got involved with him (like if someone was after your life).

-Mikado Sannoji🎩
HMMMMMM you already know that it's A YESSSSS. He would do it when he feels like you're losing interest in him.

-Nikei Yomiuri🖋️
Yes, no hesitation. Does it when he feels like he's losing his control over you.
"No way Y/N is actually enjoying their own hobby instead of doing what I told them to do?! Ugh gotta kidnap them!"

-Shinji Kasai🧯
N o.

-Hajime Makunouchi🥊
Nah. Not because he thinks it's wrong, but because he thinks that you're not gonna leave him (because he's sooo hot and strong and omggggggg you wouldn't trade him for the world /sarc) so what's the point?

-Yuri Kagarin🚀
Only if you ask him to.

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