★ Getting Caught Trying To Escape♀️♂️

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TW'S : Verbal & physical abuse, violence, toxic unhealthy "relationship", humiliation, degrading, forcefeeding, starving, infantilization, cannibalism, guiltripping & manipulation
(Seriously I care for your wellbeing so pls leave if you can't handle these kind of stuffs!)

What would they do when they catch you after your attempt of running away?

Like I said, get on her good side and you'll be spoiled like a rich kid. But when you do something that pisses her off such as trying to run away, she won't hold back. You won't be getting fed for 2 days. And when she comes to feed you, she just brings a bowl of frozen rice and it's also a small portion. Water? You only get 3 sips once a day. What about a matress to sleep on? Oh no no, that gets taken away. Wait what about a pillow and a blanket too? Also taken away! Clothing? A thin fabric of t-shirt only. Bathroom neccesities? Just shit your pants like a baby and she'll come to clean it up in 10 hours. Even if you beg her for forgiveness, all you'll get is a teasing and getting told that you'll be treated good when you turn good. She can't handle constant whining, crying, and begging so doing those will only add 1 more week to the punishment. It's not like she enjoys doing this, but you did something you shouldn't have and yeah.

-Emma Magorobi🎭
She's trying her best for you. She brings you whatever you want, she gives you some space, she gives you a comfy bed to sleep on, a fluffy blanket, a pillow, a fan, and everything you could ask for. What is it that you want? You know that she's rich, so you can ask her to buy anything. So why would you try to run away? At least that's what she thinks. Proceeds to have a full on panic attack in front of you, guiltripping you like shit. By the end of the day, you'll be sobbing as you cuddle her in your sleep, forever convinced that you're the bad guy and thinks you owe her your life.

-Kokoro Mitsume🧠
Will force you into a 3 hours qna
"Why did you do that?"
"What do you ask out of me so I can make you happy?"
"What should I do?"
"What do you want?"
"Do you want ___?"
"Do you prefer ___ over ___?'
"How about I give ___?"
And much more.
She's just curious to know what made you do that. And even if she already gets the answer, it's hard for her to understand. So don't forget to take a sip of water before starting the qna session.

-Shobai Hashimoto🚬
Degrades you like shit. Calls you names that no mortals could ever think of. The only reason he's doing this is because he's trying to protect you from danger, so expect an entire non-stop 5 hours lecturing and scolding. If I were you, I'd never want to piss off Shobai since I can't handle insults. But hey, he won't give a punishment! He'll treat you very sweet after all the scoldings.

-Mikado Sannoji🎩
At first, you think he isn't mad because he keeps smiling and speaking in a carefree tone. But then you realize that he's just trying to play with you, and that's when the real deal comes. You will get your head bashed onto the wall for several times before having your head dunked in the bathtub, then he makes you beg for forgiveness. Even if you did apologize over and over again, he's still not satisfied, so he's going to beat you up using a belt. Expect it to last for 10 minutes. Also he will calls you names just like Shobai. After the beating ends, he will fill an empty bucket with water and proceed to pour a bottle of soap into the bucket and stirs it. He then dunks your head into the bucket. Those punishments are specific because he already planned it from a long time ago- and the next punishment will be a different one. Anyway he sure loves dunking someone's head into something filled with water! Doing it all with pleasure too but says "I don't enjoy doing this". Anyway after the punishment ends he acts like nothing ever happened. "Hm? What are you talking about dear?"

-Nikei Yomiuri🖋️
As soon as you get thrown into the basement, he rips your clothing off and leaves you naked. He won't tie you up because he's sure that he's much stronger than you and you won't be able to fight back, so he's just gonna proceed to the next step; beating the shit out of you! It will last for at least 5 minutes. But don't get too excited because what's to come is worse. He makes you stand on all fours and puts a collar around your neck and forces you to behave like a dog, that includes running around like a dog, drinking like a dog, and barking too. This will last until tomorrow, where he comes back with a corpse of your friend/family member/aqquintance, and chops them up into pieces and cooks them, then serving it to you. Oh, but don't forget that you still have to act like a dog, so eat like one! Eat your loved one's meat like a dog, okay? Btw no matter how much you puke you're still forced to swallow every pieces down your throat (including the vomits). AND unfortunately it's still not over. You're still gonna stay naked for the next 2 months and STILL forced to behave like a dog. He already treats you like shit before the punishment, and it's gonna get so much worse. You're still starved, forced to sleep on a cold concrete ground, but now also no entertainment allowed, no talking allowed, no standing or sitting allowed, and most importantly if he catches you crying then it's time to beat you up, haha how funny /sarc. Look, no matter what you do Nikei is always going to treat you like shit, he loves the idea of belittle-ing you. Even if you try your best to behave nice he's still gonna treat you like an animal, so just accept it. As long as you're mentally strong you won't fall into depression. Continuing on, he's going to spend an hour everyday insulting you, and also telling all your embarassing secrets to humiliate you. After the punishment is over which lasts like 2 months, you don't have to stay naked anymore! Or even behave like a dog anymore. You can now stand, sit, talk, cry, but that's it. This man is a douchebag so don't get your hopes up.

-Yuri Kagarin🚀
"Didn't you ask me to kidnap you? Ah whatever, well if you want freedom then I shall free you!" as simple as that-

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