★ Reader Is Caught SH-ing♀️

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TW's: SH, mention of abuse

How would they react to reader who is doing SH?

She entered your room without knocking, and definitely didn't expect to see you harming yourself. She rushes to treat your scars, but won't stop asking questions. "What made you do this?" or "Why didn't you tell me about your problems? I could've helped. Don't you trust me?" I know her constant demands for answers is only stressing you out, but only worry lies in her mind and she just wants to help. She's not sure of what to do, so after what happened, she just keeps harmful objects away and does nothing else (unless smth happens again). If you want something then you need to communicate with her, that's how she is.

She's a very sharp person, and that's how she noticed the scars on your arm/thigh when the strong wind blew your sleeves/skirt/shorts up, revealing your scars (even if it was only for a second). She rushes to get you both home and when you do, she asks to check them. However if you deny, prepare yourself for the same situation as Sora where you'll be asked millions of questions. No matter how hard you try to dismiss it, she won't leave until she's satisfied. Gets so worried that she may shed a few tears. After all of this is over, she finally gives you the help you desperately need.

-Iroha Nijiue🎨
She was just talking to you, but when she touched your arm/thigh a little too hard, it touched a recent scar and you winced in pain, which of course drew her suspicioun. She will stop at NOTHING to get her answers, even going as far as holding you in place while rolling up your sleeves/shorts. Once seen, she's stunned at first, but she comes up with a way to prevent it from ever happening again. You guys know the butterfly trend? Yeah, that. She also draws the butterflies realistically to make you feel like they're real, so you wouldn't wanna hurt the cute butterflies right? :(

-Kanade Otonokoji🎵
Only a teeny tiny little bit worried for once. She saw the scars when she entered your room (no consent btw) as you were asleep. But obviously she knows she can't just reveal what she did in order to ask you about your scars, so she just waits until you're ready to tell her which is up to you. Once you do, she's super sweet about it, not pressuring you with questions at all, listening to what you have to say, and doing her best to comfort you.

-Hibiki Otonokoji🎶
Kanade gave the news to her, so she rushes to you and start bothering you with questions. Kanade steps in to stop her, in which she stopped after she realized it was very disrespectful. She's not very great at handling stuffs like this, so the best she can do is to comfort you. Also, "Kanade what should I do to help :( ??"

-Setsuka Chiebukuro 🎱
Sort of like Kanade, except she makes lighthearted jokes to try and ease the tension. She makes it known that you can always trust her, and that her shoulder is open for a head to lay on. This is the best girlfriend you could ever ask for. She found out the same way as Yoruko, as they're both very sharp.

-Emma Magorobi🎭
She doesn't know if this counts as helping, but when she found out, she rolls her sleeves up to reveal her old wounds caused by her abusive father back when she was a child. "We're not so different, are we? Just know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here... I'm always willing to help, because I SEE you." (aksnslmsnnivssjkkaazgkpuiljkss this hurts)

-Kokoro Mitsume🧠
She found out the same way as Iroha. Not long after, she leaves after apologizing. Wanna know what she does after leaving? Googling up ways to help someone with SH tendecies. Comes back to you while doing everything the answers provided by the website. She makes sure not to accidentally do or say something apathetic too, thus being careful with her words. This is probably the first time she has ever put in so much effort.

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