No, Thanks |🚬Shobai × Reader PT.1

113 1 2

PT. 1

TW: Mention of gun

You only had one thing in mind, and it was to get home as soon as possible.

But.. where is home?
You don't even feel comfortable in your own house anymore.
And there wasn't anyone you could call home, too.

Your house is simply a shelter that you can temporarily stay at, nothing special about it... but now it's changed, since your monthly rent is almost due.. and let's just say that you haven't been able to make a lot of money.
Your main job pays you 5$ an hour for 7-1, so you had to work an extra job.. which.. isn't that great either. 20$ an hour for a 3-7? But since you couldn't find any other job that would take you in, those were your only choices.

You were running out of options.

"That's enough of whining.. I'm home and that's all matters."

As you made one last step closer to the door, you reached towards your pocket to grab the house key-only to touch air.
You cursed under your breath, assuming it must have fallen somewhere on the road.. and it wasn't an easy task to search for a key in the darkness, given that murderers or worse could be lurking around.. it is already late afterall.
In a fit of frustation, you banged your head against the door several times, as if the key is going to magically run back to you.. but since anger's got the best of you, all you could really do was drown in your own misery instead of trying to do something about it.

Then, you finally stood up after what felt like hours to you.
You turned around, facing to see the moon showing off its beauty to the dark gloomy sky. Maybe it's a sign that there will always be hope in despair. You hoped, at least..

You finally got your ass walking. Following your previous steps while checking the ground, to search for a lost key crying for its owner. It was not as easy as you had expected it to be.. of course it's not... someone has probably stolen it. But you put all of these negative thoughts aside, hoping for the best.
The road was dead empty. There wasn't even a single sound.
You traced ever single ones of your precious steps back, until you finally got back to your workplace. It could be proof that your key wasn't actually on the road, but maybe it was just left inside of your workplace. Stay positive alright..
Luckily there seems to be 1 person left inside, given the car parked outside, and the lights still on inside. Must be another employee.

As soon as the door opened to reveal the employee standing behind, both of you flinched upon seeing each other, unexpectedly. "I'm sorry, I think I left my key here." you explained as she looks at you in a judging way. She pulled out something from her pocket, in which it was a key! Your house key! Your lips curled to form a smile, relieved that it wasn't stolen. She handed it to you without saying anything, which you replied with a thank you afterwards. Noticing the awkward atmosphere, you quickly excused yourself to go home now.

This time, you made sure to tightly hold the key in your hands, afraid of losing it once more. Actually, that's stupid.. just put it in your pocket.

Steps after steps of trying to make it back home, you suddenly stopped dead in your tracks. You didn't know why, but you got chills down your spine.
You felt like you were being watched.
But, you're so close.. you're only 5 minutes away from your house. Sadly, your little trip didn't go as planned. A hand reached to close your mouth in case if you tried to scream, as the other hand dragged you away from the road, with each seconds you were farther away. They stopped once they entered an alleyway, roughly shoving you to the ground. You turned around, while in fear of this mysterious assailant planning something mischevious. It was a masked man wearing all black and armed with a machete, and he kneeled down to your height around the same time you saw enough of him.

"Give me everything you got!" he demanded while holding the machete close to your head, threatening to ruthlessly kill you if shown any signs of refusing. Your hands trembles as they reached for your wallet, and it was immediately thrown to him. He clicked his tongue after looking through and counting everything. "Really? This all you got?" his tone of voice.. was one you would hear from a dissapointed parent.

"I-I worked 2 jobs and they're still no..not enough for my rent... I mean I'm s-sure you have.. more than me....?" while you were simply trying to gain his sympathy, you weren't lying at all. This is how miserable your life is. Although, he showed no signs of remorse as he turned around and starts walking away.
You heard him loudly talking to another person, bragging about how effective his "method" is.. probably talking about a way to gain money? You couldn't see any further due to the darkness inside of the alleyway, so you couldn't identify the person he was talking to.

At least you got his voice that you easily can describe, to the polices..
And soon, tears began to form in your eyes.
A tear fell, soon followed by another, and another, and more...
It's over for you, you're going to be evicted tomorrow if the robber isn't quickly catched.... at least that's what you thought.

The sound of a gunshot made its to your ears, and it was immediately followed with a bloodcurling scream that quickly stopped after the second gunshot.

You held your scream that you were about to let out, as you tried to calm yourself down otherwise you might be next.. but things got worse. Footsteps can be heard, approaching you, as you shut your eyes tight. If you were going to die, you just hoped that it would be done quick.
To your surprise, as the footsteps stopped one you heard it close enough to you, you felt a hand tapping your head instead. Your eyes which were shut tight didn't dare to open. What if you were met with a gun to your head? But curiousity was itching, so you slowly but surely brought yourself to bring them open. It wasn't the masked man. It was whole a different person, looking down on you from a close distance. A man with messy gray hair with black roots. His gray eyes were that of an impatience. He appears to be wearing an unbuttoned white suit.. and everything about him is just messy. "Look, I ain't got all day." his unpleasent voice somehow felt.. comforting in a weird way. Also, instead of being met with a gunshot to your head, it was a HUGE stash of cash held up to your head instead. "You can have your treasure back, but I also gave some of mine." upon finishing his sentence and seeing that you weren't taking it, he threw it to you and simply let out a chuckle.

What just happened..?

"Y..your money? ..uhm." you didn't even dare to bring your hand to touch it. What if he was just teasing you, and the second you touch it he's gonna kill you? Your thoughts were filled with all kinds of scenarios. "No thanks." that you would have said, if you weren't such a scaredy cat. You hesitantly took all the money, before asking a question that has been on your mind; "What just happened?" you muttered it so quietly that even the sound of a pin drop may be louder, but he somehow catched your words. "That guy.. is a colleague of mine.." he casually spoke before pausing, letting out a sigh.. of dissapointment..? "We were just simply hanging out y'know? And then he said something stupid about making money in an easy way." then, he pointed his finger at you. "..and you're the test subject here. Well, I guess he did succeed in making a bit of money.. but that didn't last long, huh?" as soon as he finished his words, he walked away, not even bothering to look back no matter how much you called out for him. Before he exit your vision, he finally stopped, and turned his head around.. "Keep your mouth shut." that was the last thing he said, with a threatening tone that is sure to make anyone keep their promise. He finally dissapeared into the darkness after delivering his threat.

As of now..

You only had one thing in mind, and it was to get home as soon as possible.

Words: 1474

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