"May i present Princess Cara Organa."

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"Again." Master plo's voice said.

Young Cara Organa turned around rolling her eyes much to her masters distaste but she didn't care much right now. She was exhausted. Master Plo had woken her up before the sun was up this morning and decided today would be the day she was to learn how to properly wield her own lightsaber. It was still a foreign hunk of metal in her hand to her and master plo wanted her to become one with her lightsaber as soon as possible. Even though she had just barely put it together a few days ago.

"Master, it's getting late. And we've been at this for hours. And I think the only bonding me and this lightsaber have had together is our annoyance with you right now." Cara sighed igniting the saber and getting ready to practice with the blaster droid again.

Master plo only had to give her a look and she instantly straightened up. She had the most respect in the world for her master and he knew this, she got it from her father. After all, growing up the Princess of Alderaan she learned respect but she also knew impatience from when her father would drag her to boring senate meetings hoping to teach her the ways of democracy when they still belived she would rule over Alderaan one day. But that all changed when she met Master Plo.

Cara was six years old when her father had brought her to her first senate meeting. And the princess could not be any more excited to leave. She could not sit still the entire meeting and was complaining the entire time. And the only way Bail could get her to behave was by bribing her with ice cream.

Once the meeting had ended, Cara and the senator walked towards the shuttle as many different senators came up saying hi to her and congralating bail on such a beautiful daughter. But she didn't care, she was just ready to get home.

finally as they reached their shuttle, Cara noticed a man with red robes and grey hair walking up to her with a kel dor in weird robes.

"Ah! Bail, it was so nice to see you again. I hope you're not too upset about the result of the senates vote back there." The man with grey hair said clapping his hands and giving him a look that Cara couldn't read.

"Not at all. I have faith in the senates choice." Bail said. And this was one thing that Cara grew to admire about her father. His regal composure with everyone even when she could tell he didn't agree with them. He was the most respectful person she knew other than her mother and she hoped that she would inherit that trait from him.

"As do I, now who's this little cutie?" The man asked finally noticing the little girl and crouching down in front of her.

"Senator Palpatine, may I introduce you to my daughter, Cara." Bail said putting his hand on Cara's back trying to push her towards the Senator. But Cara just stuck her thumb in her mouth and backed into her father, practically hiding behind his robes as she just stared at the chancellor with a blank expression on her face. She wasn't sure why but the old man made her nervous, and she wasn't necessarily a shy kid.

"She's shy." Bail lied hoping to hide the embarrassment she was causing.

"Oh, it's no problem." The Senator laughed standing back up straight and backing up a little as he gave Cara a look as if he knew something.

"And Cara, this is Jedi Master Plo Koon. He's a very good friend of mine." Bail said looking down at the little girl before looking back at Master Plo.

"Nice to meet you." Cara said when bail grabbed her hand, taking her thumb out of her mouth and sticking it by her side.

Master Plo looked at the child giving her a look that Cara didn't understand but she got the feeling she liked him. And just smiled sweetly at him. He felt the force very strongly with this one, and he felt a very deep connection to her. He couldn't explain it but he knew this child was extremely force sensitive.

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