Chapter seven

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                          "I have to go. I won't be long."

A few days had gone by since Cara and Anakin had kissed and the two of them had acted like It never happened. Padme knew something had happened but when she asked Cara the girl just shook her head. And Anakin didn't say anything at all.

It was now morning and Cara walked out into the outside patio still wearing her nightgown to see Anakin staring out at the sunrise. She stared at him for a minute debating whether she should say something but ultimately decided it was best if she left.

"Don't go." He said without turning around.

"I don't want to disturb you." She said looking at him.

He took a deep breath before speaking again "Your presence is soothing." He said.

"You had another nightmare last night." She realised, Anakin was never a morning person unless he had to be.

"Jedi don't have nightmares." He lied to her.

Instead of telling all the reasons why he was wrong about that statement she just admitted "I heard you last night." Because she had, she woke up feeling a disturbance and heard Anakin screaming in his sleep. And it took everything she had to to go help him.

"I saw my mother. She is suffering Cara." He said finally turning around to face her as she walked up to him.

"I saw her as clearly as I see you now."  He said before turning around and walking further down the patio and sighing.

"She is in pain. And I know I'm disobeying my mandate to protect the Senator but I have to go. I have to help her." Anakin said.

"I'll go with you." She told him. She couldn't bear to see him hurting like this and wanted to help him. Even if it meant getting in trouble with the Council.

"No." I'm not letting you go to that hellhole." He said walking towards her.

"I'm not letting you go alone, Anakin." She said staring into his eyes.

And he knew he had no say in the matter. She wasn't going to listen to him either way.


Their ship landed on tatooine I  one of the many hanger bays within the dry wasteland of a city. And Cara had changed back into her Jedi robes instead of Padme's dresses. But once she stepped out onto the planets dry and hot surface she had hoped she stuck with the dresses instead of this dark Jedi robes. And Anakin and her took a small carriage to a building deep within the market of tattooine where he said he had an old friend to stop by.

"Stay here." He instructed the driver as he offered his hand out to Cara to help her out of the carriage but she ignored his hand, helping herself out.

Anakin rolled his eyes at her but just ignored it before walking towards the building with a blue toydarian sitting outside it. And Anakin spoke huttese to the gungan but Cara did not know the language.

"Wait- Jedi." The toydarian said noticing the pairs lightsabers.

"Whatever it is I didn't do it." The toydarian said nervously as Anakin fixed the droid the toydarian had been holding.

"Ani? Little ani?" The toydarian questioned and Cara wanted to question how he knew Anakin. She hadn't told him much about his past before and when she asked he was very brief, she could tell it was hard for him to talk about and she didn't push it.

"You sure sprouted weeho! A Jedi! Whattaya know!" The toydarian said as he started to Flap his wings, lifting himself off the ground to be Eye level with Anakin.

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