Chapter seventeen

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"Let's see you get away this time." Anakin smiled as he made sure the hutt was secure in the backpack on Ahsoka's back after the little hutt had crawled out of it and tried to run away.

"Anakin, come in." Rex said over Anakin's comlink.

"Anakin?" Cara asked at Rex's informal address of his general.

"We've held the droids, sir." Rex reported over the comms.

"That's not like Rex." Anakin said looking to Cara as they both held a confused look on their face. Those weren't his orders and there weren't enough clones to overpower the droids. Something was suspicious about this.

"What is your location?" Rex asked.

"Ventress." Anakin and Cara said in unison. Dooku's apprentice had to be behind this.

"Dooku's assassin?" Ahsoka asked.

"She's here to kill the Hutt. Come on." Anakin said as him, Cara and Ahsoka headed down the hallway and outside the castle through the back door.

"Skywalker to Obi-Wan, mark my position. I need a medical ship immediately. Anakin said into his comlink as they arrived on the landing pad.

"Anakin. Come in!" Obi-Wan said over the coms before he cut out.

"They're jamming our transmissions." Cara pointed out, dismayed.

"I can't get ahold of Obi-Wan. I'll see if I can find captain Rex. Come in, Rex. Do you copy? Rex? Captain Rex, respond." Anakin said for a while until Rex was heard.

"I hear you, General. We're pinned down in the courtyard." Rex explained.

"Do you need help?" Anakin asked. And when all they heard was gunfire instead of Rex's reply they got their answer.

"I'll take that as a yes. Captain. Stand by, we're on our way. Skywalker, out." Anakin said before walking back towards the door.

"Master, stinky is really sick. He's turning every shade of green except the one he's supposed to be! Our mission was to get him back to Tatooine alive." Ahsoka said.

"Obi-Wan will get here eventually. Right now we need Rex to help us find a ship." Anakin said before turning around and hearing destroyers.

"Great, rolling death balls." Ahsoka said as the destroyers shields went up and they started shooting at them.

"Artoo the door!" Cara yelled at the droid as Ventress showed up between the destroyers. But thankfully Artoo closed the door before she could get through, however she stuck her lightsabers through the door and started cutting out a circle.

"I think right now's a good time for a retreat." Anakin said.

"Retreat? That's a new word for you." Ahsoka said.

"Just be glad he learned it." Cara said running towards the ledge.

"The jungle?" Anakin asked as him and Ahsoka ran up to the ledge with her.

"Wait, I remember the jungle was a bad place." Ahsoka said as they looked down at two more destroyers who were shooting at them. But droids can't aim and instead of hitting them they hit a bugs nest that was under the ledge.

"So much for going that way." Anakin said as several bugs flew out.

"Well we're running out of time." Cara said as they turned around and looked at the blast door ventress was still cutting through.

"Looks like we're out of options." Anakin said before the Hutlet started whimpering.

"No, not now, stinky." Ahsoka said nervously, Because baby's always started whining at the worst times. But then she realised what stinky was looking at.

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