Chapter eight

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"I only regret it because of you."

As Cara sat at the dining table in the Lars's home she felt sick to her stomach with worry. She didn't know why though, because Anakin was the chosen one. And he could take care of himself. He didn't need her help out there. But she still sensed something bad was going to happen and she knew that she needed to go with her gut. It had never led her wrong before, why start now.

As she got up from the table turning to exit the room Owen looked up at her and asked "where are you going?"

"To help Anakin." Cara simply said as she stood at the doorway about to turn around and walk out.

But what Owen said next stopped her dead in her tracks. "You love him, don't you?" He asked.

Her body froze at the unexpected question before she slowly turned her head around to look at him.

"What?" She asked.

"Sit down." He said gesturing to the chair in front of him. And Cara gave him a quizzical look before reluctantly obeying.

"I've watched you two. And I've noticed that there's something there. Am I wrong?" Owen asked.

Cara wasn't sure what to say to that. He wasn't wrong at all. But her and Anakin weren't together. They had just kissed a few times. But they both knew that they could never happen.

"No." She replied.

"You care for him deeply, don't you?" Owen asked. And this question she wasn't sure if she should answer. She was a Jedi. And admitting that she cared for Anakin out loud would be her actively disobeying and defying the Order. But not doing so would be lying to herself.

But when she didn't respond right away Owen had gotten his answer whether she wanted him to or not.

"Why don't you tell him?" Owen asked the girl, which she found to be a stupid question because it was well known throughout the galaxy of the Jedi's rule for attachments to be forbidden.

"I can't. I made a promise to the Jedi order. And I cannot actively defy it. It's not like either of us can just up and leave either, we've worked so hard and come so far. And it can't all just be for nothing." Cara admitted to the boy.

But all he could do was nod in response. He knew himself what it was like wanting to be with someone, but ultimately not being able to "Then go to him. Go find him. Anne help him, he needs you right now, even if he doesn't know it." Owen said after noticing the worry on her face that began to grow with every passing second.

She stood up from the table giving him a smile before heading out again. And she raced up the stairs as fast as her legs would carry her and shifted her speeder into place as she sped off towards Anakin.

She didn't know where the Tusken Village was but she didn't need to. She could feel his presence in the force. And all she needed to do was focus on it and feel it. And her mind and the force directed her speeder towards him.

And as she sped down the dry baren desert she could see light. No, fire. From the village and she knew she was in the right place. And just a few feet in front of her was Anakins speeder.

She jumped off the second she parked her speeder next to his before realising she didn't know where he was. So she took a deep breathe for a second, not realising she had even been holding it in. She was so nervous and she needed to find Anakin as soon as possible so she told herself to calm down before clearing her head and focusing on the force. But she didn't need to focus for long because she heard shuffling behind a rock not far from her and something about sand getting everywhere.

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