Robb and Brienne

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"Robb, Brienne of Tarth is here." My mother calls, poking her head through the tent as I look down at the map, slowly filling with the stone heads of dire wolves, as the lion heads diminish into the southern corners.

"Bring her in." I say, walking around the table, leaning against the side as a large woman enters.

Not weight large, but height wise. She has a tall frame, yet stands with her back straightened and confident, hands clasped behind her back. Her short blonde hair is neatly tucked behind her ears as she bows to me.

"Robb Stark. I am Brienne of Tarth, loyal to your mother, Catelyn Stark. She informs me that you have a request." I nod to her, gesturing her to sit in the chair before me.

She sits, and I push myself from the table, walking back round the other side.

"My mother wishes for you to escort someone, does she not? She will not tell me who, but I have someone of high priority that I need you to look for during your travels." She nods at me, with a curious look.

"Who is it I am needed to search for?"

"Marienne Fortitudo. And if possible her younger sister. They fled Kings Landing after the death of both our fathers, and I am worried that they may become caught in the battles, or worse, dead." I narrow my eyes at her to show how serious this is to me, and she nods confidently.

"I am certain I will find them. Your mother wishes for me to return to you with your younger sisters also, who are believed to still be in Kings Landing. When I return, I promise you I will have retrieved them all." She bows her head to me as a promise, and I thank her.

"I put full trust in you, Brienne Of Tarth." She kneels, digging her sword into the ground in front of her, head bowed.

"I promise I will not fail." I tell her to rise, and as she turns to leave I call her back.

"Brienne, did you once serve Renly Baratheon?" She nods, with a sad look on her face.

"Yes, I was there when he was.. murdered." She says these words, but I feel that there is more behind them.

"Is there more to it?"

"I fear you will not believe me, just as the others did not, only Catelyn."

I nod for her to go ahead, and she takes a deep breath, wringing her hands behind her back.

"It was a shadow, as dark and cold as the coldest winter. It held the face of Stannis Baratheon, his older brother. I believe it was black magic." She tells me, and I nod.

"Thank you, Brienne, that is all." She leaves with no other word, and I am left on my own, taking in what she had told me.

A shadow with the face of Stannis Baratheon? I feared Brienne had murdered her former leader, but she does not seem the type.

I think no more of it as I return to my seat behind the table. I will soon be reunited with my sisters, and Marienne.

"We will see each other soon." I whisper to myself, closing my eyes as I picture all of their faces.

I study the map in front of me, wondering where in Westeros Marienne is now.

"The Kingslayer!" Someone screeches from outside of the tent, and as I snap my head up my general appears in the gap.

"The Kingslayer! He has escaped!"

That must be who she is escorting.

Marienne's Game Of Thrones- Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now