𝟐. 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

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Cold water being splashed all over me awakens me from my slumber. I let out a shriek and I sit up in my bed. Wiping water away from my eyes

I look and see Dallas standing there with a bowl laughing his ass off. "Dallas!" I scream emerging from my bed.

Dallas just stands there looking at my shirt causing me to look down. My once white T-shirt is now completely see-through.

"Oh shit" I mumble quickly covering my tits from Dallas's view.

"You have two seconds to get out of my room before I beat your ass!" I yell.

Dallas leaves very quickly slamming the door behind him. I let out a huff and I press my hand against my forehead.

This is just lovely

"I flashed Dallas this morning" I sigh "What!?" Dove shouts "Shut up!" I slap her arm.

As we walk down the school hallway. "How did that even happen?" She giggles "Well it was an accident plus it was Dallas's fault!" I yell throwing my head back

"Okay, spill please?" She says "Okay so Dallas through water on me while I was asleep and I had a white T-shirt on so just put the pieces together." I groan

Dove begins to laugh. "Why do ya hate Dally so much? I think he's actually really cute" She smiles. "Gross!" I groan

"So ya like him?" I ask "I don't know man I think I do" she places her hands on her chest.

I roll my eyes, disgusting

"But, why do ya hate him so much?" She questions "Because he's a prick, always picking fights with me left and right. One of these days I'm gonna snap and beat his face in with a baseball bat" I argue

"Woah" she lets out a nervous laugh.

"I can't believe you like him, what do you like about him" I say with disgust. "It's his eyes, I mean I do hate his personality but man could I get lost in those eyes" she says holding her books closer to her chest.

I pretend to gag.

"Welp I gotta go to class see ya" i walk into the science lab.

"Ponyboy can ya help me with my homework, I don't want Darry on my ass" I plead. "I guess" Ponyboy pulls out a chair and takes a seat next to me at the kitchen table

Ponyboy is the smartest one in the family. I mean I'm not stupid but definitely not the smartest. Darry, was actually really good in school too, he was gonna get a football scholarship. Well before our parents died and he took over.

I feel bad for him. I know this ain't what he wants. Working twenty four seven practically everyday.

Than you got Sodapop who dropped out. He's never been real good in school, but I hate thinking that he dropped out. He's not the type to except to drop out.

Sodapops only eleven months older than me. He's currently seventeen, and I'm sixteen.

I let out a sigh as Ponyboy explains the homework. I wasn't even paying attention so Ponyboy helping is pretty pointless.

"What do ya say. I give you about 10 bucks for ya to do my homework for me" I say pulling out a ten dollar bill. "Make it 15 and we gotta deal" he says

I roll my eyes and grab out a five handing it over to him. "God I needa job" I say standing up from the kitchen chair, walking into the living room where Two-bit, Steve, and Dallas are at.

I quickly walk past them.

I walk to my room shutting the door behind me opening my dresser drawer. Grabbing out a pair of shorts as long as a T-shirt.

I quickly change. And walk out of my room. I walk into the living room "Move ya big head!" Dallas yells lifting his hand.

I just give him the finger and walk to the kitchen and grab a beer outta the fridge. I crack open the cap walking once again back to the living room taking a seat next to Dallas

It's the only seat open in the couch. There all invested into Mickey Mouse.

I take a swig from my beer and set it on the floor. "Is that a tattoo!?" Dallas yells purposely. I sit up quickly pulling my shirt down that had gone up revealing my butterfly tattoo I had gotten a few weeks ago.

"That's none of ya business now is it" I say two-bit and Steve are looking over as Dallas try's pulling my shirt up for them to see. "Stop it!" I say swatting his hands away.

"How do ya think Darry would think if he saw this?" Dallas says "Well none of you better tell him, or I'll cut all of ya dicks off and feed it to ya" I threaten.

Dallas just smirks while Two-bit and Steve go quiet.

I quickly stand and walk to my room slamming the door.

Second chapter 💋

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