𝟗. 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲

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Trigger warning - SA

"You look great" Calvin mumbles in my ear as he comes up behind me. I smile and turn to face him. He looks me up and down licking his lips.

"You look great as well" I yell over the loud music. After begging and pleading Darry to let me come to this party he let me.

Dove had dressed me again. And just like I told Dallas I'm wearing a black lace bralette, with a black leather jacket. I had on a black mini skirt.

Calvin smiles at me as I grab his hand leading him to the bar where Buck was filling up shot glass and passing out beer bottles.

"Hey buck, two shots of whatever" I yell. He nods his head filling up two shots glasses sliding them down to me. I pass one to Calvin. I lift the shot and down it feeling the burn go down my throat.

I look at Calvin who's doing the same. I know that shots gonna affect me, I have a really low tolerance to alcohol.

"Wryn!" Dove yells running over to me. Grabbing me hand. "L-let's dance!" She slurs. I can smell the alcohol. "Okay!" I turn to Calvin and tell him I'd be back.

Dove makes me do another shot and I chased it with beer and I know I'll be regretting it tomorrow.

We eventually made it to the dance floor where multiple drunk people were dancing. Dove grabs me shoulders and begins to sway her ass. I sway my body I'm really feeling myself.

After a bit me and dove are both doing our own little dances. I lift my hands above my head and sway my hips. As if I'm the only person in the room. I had my eyes closed, but I open them. I look around and I soon meet a familiar set of eyes.


I let out a smirk. My drunk brains telling me to tease him so that's what I do. I slowly take my leather jacket off revealing my bralette. That makes me boobs look amazing

Dallas takes the cigarette out from his lips and smirks. There's no way in remembering this tomorrow. So that means there's nothing to regret.

"You're so fucking hot" drunk Calvin comes up from behind me running his hands all over my body. A horrid feeling fills my stomach. "I have to use the bathroom" I slur walking away from him. Walking to the lady's room.

But all of a sudden I'm being dragged to a room. I look up and see Calvin "Ow, y-your hurtin' me" I cry. He doesn't listen instead we enter a room and he shoves me on a bed and walks away shutting and locking the door.

"Calvin?" I question. I'm too drunk to even know what's going on. "You've been teasing me all night" he whispers in my ear and begins to kiss my neck.

"C-Calvin." This shouldn't be happening. His hand moves down to my tits "N-no" I slur. "It's okay just let me" I try to push him away but instead he slaps my face.

I ain't strong enough to stop him. And I know what he's doin and I just gotta let him. I feel tears fill my eyes and his pulls down my under wear. "Please don't do this" I sob as tears spill from my eyes. "Stop being a bitch let me have some fun" he chuckles pulling off his pants.

I laid naked in the strangers bed. Calvin left not to long ago. He raped me.

The events that just took place sobered me up a little. I sit in my thoughts and after a bit I get dressed again. And limp out of the room cryin'. I know I have red marks and bruises formin.

He'd choke me and slap me. And my wrists are swollen. I need to find Dove.

"Wryn?!" I hear a voice shout as they run over to me. "What happened to ya" Ponyboy laughs but quickly stops when he sees i'd been crying.

Instead of answering I just hug him and cry into his shoulder. I've never cried so hard. "It's okay" he rubs my back tryin to keep my calm. Not long until Johnny and Dallas walk over to us.

"What'd happen to her" Dallas joked. "I don't know man but she's not okay." Pony says. I'm still in shock over the whole ordeal. I don't know what to do.


seeing Wryn like that I knew something was bad. She never crys or shows emotion. "Wryn who did this to you?" I ask. "Calvin, h-he raped me dally" she cry's harder. I look at Pony who has a look of shock written a cross his face.

Before I know it I'm walkin away trying to find the son of a bitch who did this to her. She may piss me off, but she don't deserve that. No one does. And ain't letting the bastard get away with it.

It don't take long before I find him at the bar. Chatting it up with some tramp. My fist are balled up in a fist.

I grab his shoulder turning him towards me. I punch him square in the face making him hit the bar. A loud gasp erupted due to people being in shock.

I hit him again. This time blood flows onto my knuckles, from his nose. "Dally!" I hear Soda yell as he runs over to me. Pulling me away.

"Stop!" I shout. "Why are you beatin this son of bitch?!" Soda looks at me shocked. "This bastard raped Wryn!" I shout loud enough for everyone to hear.

A look of murder grows in sodas face. He pushes me away before punching the soc.

I smirk, I join sodas and punch him over, and over. Until his face is barely recognizable.

I've never felt this much rage before. I go to hit him again. But soda stops me. "As much as I want to murder this bastard we can't go to jail." He spits blood, due to the soc getting a few hits in.

I nod. Backing away. He's all bloody laid out in the floor. I hope he's still breathing.

I turn around and walk towards the door slamming it.

Longest chapter yettt

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