𝟏𝟗. 𝐋𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐩𝐭. 𝟐

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After me and Dove argued I walked out of the water trying to get away from her. But a part of me deep down feels really guilty.

I walk to my towel that I had laid out on the sand next to Doves. I take a seat on my towel. I look at my brothers, and friends all laughing and splashing each other in the water.

I just sigh before I lay my body out on the towel. Laying my head back closing my eyes. Gosh why does she gotta ruin my fun..

All of a sudden I feel someone gently kick my side. Causing my eyes to snap open and see Dove standing there. "You fell asleep" she states

I lift my head and see everyone all standing on the sand chatting. "How long was I asleep for?" I ask looking at my skin to see a red tint to it. Im definitely sun burned.

"The boys wanna do a fire I thought that would be fun" Doves says. There's clearly tension between us but I'm just going to ignore it.

"A fire sounds nice" I stand up, my bathing suits dry from the sun. I look back at Dove before walking over to my brothers.

"Your awake" Soda jokes causing me to just roll my eyes. "Are we having a fire?" I question asking them all.

"Yeah, boys why don't ya help me" Darry yells for all the boys.

I look around before walking away from them. I walk to the water. Dipping my toes in. The waters colder than earlier.

I look at the sky which is painted with different colors. The sunset is more beautiful then ever.

I stare at the sky as the clouds dance across it. All of a sudden I hear giggling causing me to snap my head towards the girl.

I see Dove and Dally staring at each other smiling. A bit of jealous bubbles in my stomach but I try to push past it.

I look at my brothers who are collecting sticks and starting the fire. Or at least attempting to. I sigh before walking more into the water.

The water feels like needles due to how cold the water is. I walk out deeper. The waters at my waste now.

I run my hand through the water. My feet decides to take me farther out. I keep walking til my neck is in the water. I hold my breath as I walk farther my mouth and nose getting covered restricting the oxygen.

Now my heads fully submerged in the water my whole body's frozen. I open my eyes and see almost nothing. The lakes foggy and all I see is dark.

The water feels nice against my skin which had gotten burned from falling asleep. I pull my head out of the water. Gasping for the air I wasn't receiving.

I turn my body as I try to stay a float. I see Dallas and Dove sitting on the sand. He has a smug look on his face as his eyes are looking for something.

He looks towards me. And gives a confused look. I look at Dove who is secretly staring at him. I take a deep breath before I pull my body back under the ice cold water.

I swim towards everyone.

I stick my feet out feeling if I can stand without going under.

I move my body out of the water. I know I look horrendous due to the water messing up my messy bun.

My brothers are working on getting the fire started by rubbing sticks together.

I walk past them and over to where dove and Dallas are sitting. Grabbing my towel.

I can't help but eavesdrop into their conversation "When do you think we could go out again?" Dove asks causing my heart to speed up. Due to jealousy and neverouness that Dove will find out what happened.

"Man, I don't know" Dallas chuckles. I look at him as I take a seat on the sand. He's shaking his head.

"How about tomorrow" Dove touches his arm. Smiling. I feel sick watching this.

"I guess" Dallas sighs. I can't tell if he's showing interest or not. He's not the world's easiest person to read.


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