𝟑. 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭

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"Do ya think Dallas will tell Darry?" I ask referring to the tattoo he saw. "Your guess is as good as mine ya never know with him" Dove says as she lays on my bed.

I let out a sigh I really hope not "Darry would be on my ass about it" I say Dove just mumbles a quick 'mhm'

"You wanna do something?" I ask standing up from the chair I have at my desk.

"Is that even a question?" She says standing up from my bed. "Come on than"

I open my bedroom door and we walk out to the living room where Ponyboy was watching TV. "If darry asks we'll be back" I say as we walk out of the house. Not giving Pony any time to respond.

"So whatta trying to do?" Dove asks "You'll see" I say. We walk to a local bar. I quickly unbutton some of the buttons to my shirt. So cleavage can peak through. I also roll up my shorts a little.

"Free drinks" I smile at Dove who's already smirking. "I love ya" she says with a giggle.

We enter the bar. It's not very crowded but there's some men. There's one who's at the bar. Me and Dove both walk over to him

I lean over the counter trying to get his attention.

"Well hello there" he says "Hiya" I say "Care for a drink?" He asks as he stirs his drink with a toothpick. "Only if ya get her one too" he says "Two the better" he says with a smirk

This man's a pervert. He looks to be in his mid forty while me and Dove are both sixteen.

I fake a smile

"Hey bartender, get these lovely lady's any drink they'd like" the man yells over to the bartender who just nods.

"So what are your girls names?" He asks "I'm Sophia, and that's Claire" I lie "Well aren't ya some beautiful lady's" he says "what's your name?" I ask "Dave" he says with a grin.

He clearly ain't from around here cuz if he was he would know better than to flirt with us.

He puts his hand on my waist. I look at Dove who looks just ask uncomfortable as me. "Hey I gotta use the bathroom will ya be okay?" She whispers in my ear. I just nod yes.

She walks away leaving me alone with this man. "Go ahead order anything you'd like, I'm also on the menu" he whispers into my ear. I throw up in my mouth.

"Since your friends gone why don't we get outta here?" He says grabbing my hand yanking me out of the bar.

"No, stop!" I say trying to yank my hand away. "No come in it'll be fun" he says dragging me down the street. I'm only 5'1 and this man is at least 5'10 and on the heavier side.

Free drinks wasn't worth this.

"Dude let go!" I say trying to unhook his hand from my wrist. "Stop!" I yell.

All of a sudden the man lets out a groan as a loud smack fills the air. I let out a gasp as he lets go of my hand. My wrist is gonna be bruised from how hard he was gripping into it.

I look and see Dallas on top of the man swinging and punching leaving the man all bloody. "Dallas get off you're gonna kill em" I yell. "Dally!" I scream

He finally looks at me and stops "What the hell do you think you were doin?" He yells "I was just trying to get free drinks" I sigh

"yeah well you look like slut get home now!" He yells. I just roll my eyes Dallas's words don't have any affect on me. "Hold on I gotta get Dove" I say walking back into the bar. Dallas following behind me.

"Please don't tell ma brother about this he'd kill me" I plead. "Whatever, but ya owe me sweetheart" he says with a smirk. I just roll my eyes. "Whatever" I mimic him.

Dove walks out of the bathroom and I tell her what had happened. She gasped and let Dallas take us home.

I don't think she had a problem with it considering she had a crush on him. I don't see how she likes him. Plus I don't even think he does relationships.

I just cross my arms as we walk.

Chapter three yalllll 💋💋

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 | ᵈᵃˡˡʸ ʷⁱⁿˢᵗᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now