𝟏𝟕. 𝐕𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐭

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The crisp air blew against my face as the sun shines brightly. I slowly opens my eyes realizing I'm outside. I quickly sit up feeling a pounding fill my head. Causing me too hiss.

I look around and see tombstones surrounding me with trees. The birds chirping makes my head hurt worse. I quickly look down besides me and see Dallas sleeping.

I groan as a nauseous feeling fills my stomach. I stand to my feet running over to a tombstone. I lean over it and begin to throw up. The taste of liquor in my mouth only makes me gag worse.

After puking my guts out I wipe my mouth. I really wish I had some water. I sigh. Before walking back over to Dallas who seems too still be asleep.

I take a seat next to him. I place my knees to my chest hugging them. "You alright princess" Dallas asks in a groggy morning voice.

I just a mumble a 'mhm' "Did I wake you?" I look down at him. "Yeah" he states. Before moving his hand in front of his eyes trying to block the sun.

"We better get back." He sits up. Oh shit. "Oh my god my brothers are gonna kill" I sigh placing my face in my hands.

Dallas just chuckles before standing on his feet. He begins to walk to the car and I quickly try to catch up to him.

After we get settled in the car I rest my head on the window. I had made him pull over once too throw up.

"Remind me to never drink ever again" I huff looking at him. He's focused on the road with one hand on the wheel. The other is hanging out the window.

"Oh don't even" he states I know he's rolling his eyes. "What?" I ask defensively. "If I were to tell you not to drink you'd call me an ass" he smirks looking at me.

Meeting his eyes made flash backs of last night appears in my brain.

Us making out.

My grin quickly withers away. I look away from him. With my eyes wide open.

Oh my god! Me and Dallas made out!


"What's wrong?" He asks "nothing." I state simply. I hope he doesn't remember.

God, this is awful he can use this against me!

And oh my god! Dove, she likes Dallas and I kissed him. This ain't good. I can't even go to her and tell her.

She'd hate me if she found out.

All these different thoughts fill my brain making my heart race and causing my stomach to turn.

"Dallas pull over!" I yell feeling the vile substance fill my throat. "What?" He asks before looking at me and doing what I say.

When he begins to pull over I don't even let him come to a stop before jumping out of the car.

I began to throw up for the third time. But only this time because of the thought of what I had done yesterday, well and maybe a little bit of the alcohol.

"Jesus! You could've gotten hurt" he yells as I finish my buisness getting back into the car. "Like you'd care" I roll my eyes.

I need out of this car. I need to get home now

He just shakes his head with a look of disgust before driving me home.

Once we get to my house. I get out of the car and quickly walk to the door. I open it. Seeing Pony, Soda, Darry, and Dove

All sitting on the couches in chairs. They all look at me and Darry stands up. "Where were you!?" He yells causing my head ache to come back.

"It's my fault" Dallas says as he walks into the house. I turn around and look at him. "I took her to see my mom, and we fell asleep" he states.

Darry just sighs moving his hand through his hair that's filled of grease.

I look at Dove who has a look of disgust on her face. "I was just walking home, and Dallas picked me up. He said he was taking me home so he practically kidnapped me" I roll my eyes.

He just chuckles, but it's a kinda chuckle where's he's pissed. "Didn't kidnap you!" He yelled back. 'Mhm' "I think picking me up, and saying your gonna take me home and than not is kidnapping who agrees?" I argue.

"You know fuck you" he states with a look of anger in his eyes. He turns around walking out the house slamming the door.

I look at dove who has a look of relief on her face. Probably assuming we just argued the whole time, but in reality it's the longest I've gone without arguing with him.

"Look I'm sorry! I had no choice" I raised my hands defensively. Darry just nods. "Next time, don't get in the car" he just states before taking a seat on the chair he once was. I just nod before walking over to dove.

"That was the worst day of my life" I exaggerated making it look like we did just argue. She just grins.

"Look sorry about walking away from you yesterday and being a dick I was just not having a good day" I sigh. "It's okay" she smiles.

I let out a sigh of relief.

Y'all this is only start so buckle up 😉

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