𝟐𝟎. 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞

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Having Dove asks me all those questions about going out with her. Honestly was pissing me off. I know it was to make Wryn jealous.

I don't even know why exactly. But I don't care. I actually enjoy it.

Dove does piss me off. And I don't even like her all that much i don't even know why I've gone out with her.

I pull up to Doves house in Bucks car which I "borrowed" without his acknowledgment. I honk the horn hoping she's ready. I don't have the patience to wait around for her.

I was kinda hoping she wasn't ready so I could just take off. I don't even know where we're going . I see her front door open and out comes Dove. Her curls are pulled back into a pony tail.

She walks over to the passenger side opening the door.

"Hiya!" She says with a cheery voice that annoys me. I just give a small nod. Putting my sunglasses on before pulling out of the drive way.

"Where ya takin me?" She smiles. "No clue" I sigh. I can feel her gaze at me.

"I was thinking what if instead of going anywhere we go to the abandoned lot" she asks. "There's nothing to do there plus it's boring" I question. "Well we could make it not boring" she winks. Normally I'd be down for it

But for some reason my guts telling me no. "Look I'd be down for it. Just your Wryns bestfriend it just feels weird" I state. "Why? So what I'm Wryns friend. She's a bitch why let her stop you from having fun." She states defensively.

"Don't call her that. If you were her friend you wouldn't call her a bitch now would ya?" I argue.

"You and Wryn use to hate each other what happened to that! Huh?"

"I never hated Wryn we just never gotten a long and so what if we get along better then before that doesn't change anything between us."

"Now we're gonna go to bucks and just gets drinks there" I state before driving the direction of bucks.

I hear Dove huff. Hearing her call Wryn a bitch made my skin boil. She's supposed to be Wryns supposed bestfriend but her calling her that proves not.

I don't even know why it pisses me off so bad it just does.

After a while I pull into the lot of bucks. Hopefully he doesn't notice his car was gone. I open the car door and getting out of the car. Dove waits like an idiot waiting for me to open the door.

"Ya comin?" I ask peering into the car. I hear her scoff before getting out of the car slamming the door.

I roll my eyes in annoyance. Hopefully after this supposed date she won't wanna go out with me anymore.

We walk into Bucks the building hot as ever. There's not to many people here right now besides the alcoholics who are here from open to close.

We take a seat at the bar. Buck looks at me with a glare before stomping over to me "Did you take my car?" He questions with a hint of anger rising in his voice.

"Yeah what ya gonna do about it man" I argue he looks at me with disgust as he washes a cup with towel.

"Now if you don't mind I'd like a drink" I roll my eyes. "Sure dal what is it that you would like" he says with sarcasm

"Rum with a coke" I decide. He just nods before starting to fill the cup with the rum and coke.

"What would the lady like?" He asks "A shot of vodka?" she questions before nodding. "Coming up"

"So dally, you know at the lake you looked really nice" she smiled at me causing me to smirk "Of course I knew I always look good" I say with a cocky hue in my voice

She rolls her eyes before buck passes her the shit she wanted.

I take a sip of my rum and coke. "Are you always so cocky?" She asks "Yeah I guess" I laugh

She throws the shot back downing all of it. I look away from the girl and take another sip of my drink.

I already ready to leave. "Dally do you think we could ever be more than friends?" She asks bluntly. "Uhm, maybe?" I question

"What do you mean maybe" she asks defensive. "When I say maybe I mean maybe. I don't do relationships a lot man" I sigh

"Oh, okay well you said maybe so I have a slight chance" she smiles causing me to roll my eyes

Does dove piss yall off yet? 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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