𝟏𝟑. 𝐂𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧

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Trigger warning - SH

Currently Dove is on a date with Dallas. I'm incredibly bored.

I lay on my stomach on my bed and my arms crossed closing my eyes hoping I could maybe take a nap.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" I hear Darry scream causing my eyes to shoot up.

I can hear Pony say something back, but I can't hear exactly what he's saying.

I let out a sigh as I sit up. I lean over to my white night stand and grab the pack of cigarettes I have resting there.

I pull one out of the package and place it between my lips. I grab the cartoon of matches off my nightstand as well.

I light one then I light my cancer stick. I inhale the smoke feeling my body become more relaxed.

I blow out the smoke making my room smell even more of cigarettes. I stand up from my bed and walk to my closet.

I pull open the door revealing the clothes I had hung up.

I haven't worn some of these clothes in forever. I don't even remember what all I have in here. But maybe I have some cute clothes I could possible start wearing. I've grown quite bored of my clothes I wear now.

I shuffle around moving the hangers farther down looking at each piece of clothing individually.

I pull out some of the shirts I know will be too small for me, or shirts in find ugly in general. Some of the clothing in here's also doves. But I don't plan on giving those back.

I find a blue satin dress, with lace on the top of it. This is a night gown or I guess lingerie. I take it out of my closet and throw it in the keep pile.

Maybe one day I could wear that.

I look at the shirt behind it, and it must be doves cause I don't remember this, but it's cute so I'm keeping it.

It's a pink long sleeve shirt. And behind it is a plan spaghetti strap, with lace on the top of it. I remember this shirt. I toss it along with the pink shirt in the keep pile.

After an eternity, I finally finished. My rooms a hot mess with clothes tossed around everywhere. I better clean it up before Darry comes in and has a heart attack.

I had managed to find a lot of cute clothing in my clothes that I'd forgotten about. Along with some jeans, and shorts in my dresser.

I walk over to my night stand and open it. There's a lot of loose change, and a book I'd read a long while ago,

There's also a razor in there from a time in my life that wasn't the best.

I quickly shut the drawer, and pull up my sleeve. Revealing a bunch of tiny scars.

I still wear short sleeve but nobody ever notices. If they do they probably think it's from a fight I'd been in.

I hate thinking of the time in my life that wasn't even that long ago. It was after my parents died and I thought the world was against me.

I still think it is with all the shit that happens to me. I need to get rid of the razor or who knows I might need it again.

Short chapter. I rlly need Dally or her to make a move but I don't know how to do it yet I have a slight idea.

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