𝟏𝟐. 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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"I think I'm gonna ask dally out" Dove cheers walking into my room. My heads pounding from the day before. "Shhh" I moan as I grab my forehead.

"What's happened to you?" Dove asks looking at me weirdly. "I'm hungover" I sigh.

Wait- did she just say she was gonna ask Dallas out? I don't know why but a pit has filled my stomach. Not of happiness of more jealousy?

But why I am I jealous I hate Dallas.

"Your asking Dallas out?" I try to say as if I want to beat her head in. What the fuck am I doing you hate Dallas Winston he's an asshole.

"Mhm" she hums with a smile. "When?" I ask "maybe today I have no idea. Is he coming over later?" She questions

"I have no idea Dallas just comes and goes as he pleases" I sigh. My heads pounding and this feeling I have might just kill me.

It's around ten past five and me and Dove are sitting on the couch watching some movie. It's a pretty good movie. I've managed to talk myself out of the feelings I had gotten earlier.

My head still hurts and Soda and Steve playing cards isn't exactly helping with all their yelling.

The door opens causing me to whip my head. And in comes Dallas the one person I was hoping wouldn't show up.

Dove looks over at me with a smirk. Before standing up and walking over to Dallas

I can't hear exactly what's she's saying to him. But she's bright red and Dallas has a smirk on his face.

There not real feelings. There not real feelings. I repeated to myself

Before I know it Dove walks over to me with a stupid grin in her face. "He said yes" she cheers quietly. Since he's now talking to Soda and Steve.

"Oh nice" I mumble. "Look I know you hate him, but I'm your best friend be happy for me" she sighs

She's right. I do hate Dallas Winston and he hates me.

The small feeling I had towards him is gone just like that.

"You're right Dove. I am happy for you." I smile as I look at her.

"Love you" she smiles as she gives me a side hug. "Love you too"

"So when's this date of yours" I question. "This firday" she blushes. Fridays in two days.

I just nod "I would say I would help you get ready. But your the ones that good at all that."
I joke. She just jokes.

I'm losing motivation to write guys..

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 | ᵈᵃˡˡʸ ʷⁱⁿˢᵗᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now