𝟏𝟒. 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞

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Dallas's POV

The date I had with Dove was for sure not the funnest date I've been on. She's honestly quite boring. The only reason I said yes, was because I knew Wryn would be pissed.

And I don't think she was. She honestly didn't seem like she could care less. And I was also hoping me going on a date with Dove would help me get this stupid feeling about Wryn out.

It's weird when I see her I feel nervous ? I've never felt nervous about being around a girl. And seeing her undressed in front of me as I helped her change while she was drunk made me feel things I never thought I would.

But Wryn hates me and I'm supposed to hate her so I need to get over myself and get this stupid girl out of my head.

"Well, bye" dove smiled as she opens the passenger door to the car I borrowed from Two-bit.

"See ya" I hum looking at her. She shuts the door and I can't help but let out a deep breath.

I put the car in drive and drive down the road.

I open the screen door to the Curtis's house where I hear a bunch of giggling and laughing. When I enter the house everyone turns to look at me.

I can't help but look at Wryn first. She's already looking at me but when our eyes meet she looks away.

"Well I'm outta here me and Sandy gotta date" soda cheers as he walks past me and out of the house.

"How was yer date?" Pony asks standing up from the couch. "It was good" I mumble looking at Wryn who's focused on the TV.

I need her out of my head.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go to my room to finish a project" he sighs walking towards the room him and Soda share.

I haven't seen Darry. He's probably asleep since he has to get up so early.

I look back at Wryn as she takes a sip of beer. I sigh as I walk over and take a seat on the couch she's also sitting on.

"So your date was good?" She asks setting the beer down looking at me.

I look at her and I can't help but feel butterfly's. I fucking hate her. Why's she making me feel like this!?

"It was fine" I shrug. She just nod as she continues to stare at me. I stare at her too.

I clear my throat "so what are you watching?" I ask trying to start conversation. "I don't even know" she giggles. I just smirk.

"Got a light?" I ask and she nods. She stands from the couch the shorts she's wearing rises causing the slightest bit of her ass to show. I watch her as she walks to her room.

I can't help but feel the urge to readjust myself.

Not to long she comes walking back into the living. This time with a pack of cigarettes with her. She opens the cartoon and passes one to me.

I thank her before putting it on my lips. I grab the box of matches out of my back pocket. And light it with my necklace.

I also light the cigarette. "Don't tell Darry I'm letting you smoke in the house he'd kill both of us" she giggles. I swear she's always giggling,

But her giggles always cause me to smile.

I scoot closer to her as I take a drag out of the cigarette. Blowing the smoke out. I pass her the cigarette and she gladly takes it.

She inhales the smoke before blowing it out as well.

She looks at me and I look at her.

I'm not even thinking, I lean in and stare at her lips as does the same.

I lean in closer

But the light to the kitchen turned on causing both of us to pull away.

What was I thinking?


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