𝟏𝟔. 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞

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"Dallas where are you taking me?" I huff "okay, geeze. I'm just taking you too bucks I gotta grab something" he sighs.


We pull into the lot of bucks. "I'll be right back" he says opening the driver side door. I just nod.

He gets out of the car. And walks up to bucks. After a few minutes of waiting I decide I'm gonna go into bucks.

I open the car door and get out. Slamming it behind me.

I make my way up to bucks and enter. Music fills my ears. I look and see buck working behind the bar. I shrug before walking over to him

"Can I have a shot of vodka please?" I ask him. He looks up at me and tilts his head, "sure thing" he sighs before working on my shot.

I look around to make sure Dallas hasn't come down the stairs.

Before I know buck passes me the shot,

I lift the shot glass and down the liquid causing my throat to burn. I just shrug it off "thanks" I pass him a five dollar bill. Hoping that's enough.

"Nah, it's on the house" he winks at me. I just smirk before turning around. Right as I do I bump into someone.

I look up and see Dallas.

"I told you to stay in the car" he sounds a bit angry. "You were taking to long" I shrug.

"Come on" he groans grabbing my forearm. Dragging me out of the bar. "Calm down your the one that was taking forever" I sigh.

"Yeah, well I couldn't find what I was looking for" he groans "Oh" I mumble

"Don't worry I got in though"

"What were you looking for?" I ask looking up at him. Dallas is much taller than me. He's roughly I'd say about six one and I'm five foot. So the height difference is actually insane.

"That's not of business is it now sweetheart?" He smirks as we get to the car. He opens the driver side door. And I walk over to the passenger one.

Opening it and taking a seat.

He pulls out of the parking spot and down the road.

He still isn't driving towards my house. "Where are you taking me?" I ask again. "Just be patient sweetheart"

After about an hour of him driving I'm beginning to actually becoming inpatient.

The suns beginning to set. And I'm not even sure what time it is.

We've been driving on a dirt path for, forever, but realistically it's only been five minutes. I lean my head against the window.

Suddenly Dallas pulls into a gravel lot. Stopping the car. I lift my head from the window and look outside of it. "Where are we?" I ask

"I'm visiting someone." He states before opening the car door. I do the same and get out of it. I stretch my limbs that are quite sore, from being locked in a car for what feels like forever.

"Visiting who exactly" I ask looking at him over the roof of the car. "You'll see come on" he gestures for me to come.

I sigh before following behind him. We walk through a field of grass. As we walk you can see the sun set causing the sun to become orange and a hint of blue.

Eventually we make it. A gate surrounding a graveyard with a bunch of of tombstones. "Oh.. so this is what you meant by visiting someone" I hang my head low feeling a little bit bad.

"Yeah, my mom" he sighs looking in front of him.


He continues to walk and I follow looking at all the graves, with the dates and the names of people who've died.

As I'm looking I don't even realize Dallas had stopped. Making me run into him for the second time today.

"Shit, I'm sorry" I giggle. But quickly stopping realizing this is not the place nor time.

"It's okay, you're just clumsy" he smirks. Looking down at the tombstone. The name reads 'Lisa' "I bet your mother, was a wonderful person." I stand beside him.

"No, she was a drug addict" he chuckles. "Mm" I hum. He unzips one of the pockets to his leather jacket. Pulling out a bottle of whiskey.

"Should've known" I joke. He untwist the cap and flicks it to the ground. He takes a swig of it. Not making a face just staring at the grave.

He hands me the bottle and I take it. Also taking a drink from it. "Oh my god that's terrible" I gag. I look at Dallas and see him smirking.

"No, once you get use to it it's really not" he chuckles, causing me too giggle.

I take another sip and try not to gag, but I do make a horrid face. "That shits actually awful, I think I'll still stick with tequila, and vodka." I joke.

After a while of us being there we're laying on the grass. Looking up at the night sky. We're both insanely drunk.

I've been giggling at the littlest things, and him also. I don't think I've heard him laugh like this before.

"Y-you know" I cut off as I look at the stars move across the sky. "What?" He chuckles. " I don't know" I mumble as I look at him to see him already staring at me.

We stare into each others eyes for a little bit. Before we both lean in closure.

"We shouldn't" I mumble "I know" he states looking at my lips before he crashes his lips against mine.

My eyes widen as his are closed, but I quickly shut them and enjoy the kiss.

Our mouths move nysc, I open my mouth a bit letting his tongue enter my mouth. His mouth tastes of whiskey.

I smile as we kiss. I roll over onto his chest, we pull away from the kiss looking at each other.

"We shouldn't  do anymore, we're both drunk" he mumbles and I just nod my head biting my lip. I'll probably regret this in the morning

But as of right now there's nothing to regret.

WOAH!!! Okokok I hope this isn't too fast. I just thought yall deserve this! 😏

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