𝟏𝟓. 𝐂𝐚𝐫

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The light in the kitchen turns on

Dallas pulls away. Looking at the TV. I clear my throat. There's no way that just happened.

I can't help it, but I wished we did kiss. God damn it.

Darry comes walking out he looks half asleep. "Hey, don't you got school tomorrow?" Darry asks looking at me. "Yeah" I sigh.

"What time is it?" He asks. I look at the wall where the clock hangs. "It's nine forty." I look at him. He just nods before yawning.

"Go to sleep soon alright?" He walks back to his room.

I look at Dallas who's standing up from the couch. He doesn't say anything before walking out of the house closing the door behind him.

As soon as the door shuts I throw my head back. Why the fuck would I do that? I'm so mad at myself. Ugh

I grab the remote and turn the TV off. I grab my beer before standing up.

I'm so disappointed in myself

I walk down the hallway at school. I'm trying to avoid Dove because I can't help, but feel a little guilty.

I know we didn't kiss but we were so close. I also know Dove really likes Dallas. And I'm supposed to hate him.

I walk to my locker. And open it. I grab a my science textbook out. Slamming the locker shut.

I let out a gasp as I see Dove. "Sorry, did I scare ya?" She laughs. I let out a nervous chuckle "yeah"

"I've been looking for you all day, I feel like you've been avoiding me" she sighs. "What? No" I say in a serious tone.

"So how was your date?" I ask trying to change the conversation. "It was so good!" She cheers excitedly.

"That's good" I smile. "I really like him Wryn" she sighs. A part of me feels jealous, but I know I shouldn't.

"Good, I'm happy for you" I smile at her and she does the same back.

"Aw thank you" she leans in giving me a side hug.

I push open the doors to the school. Dove walking besides me. "Do you have another date planned?" I ask as I walk down the stairs

"Mhm" she hums. I clear my throat before nodding. "This Saturday, we're going to the drive in"

"But we had plans next Saturday?"

"Oh shit" she mumbles. "I'm so sorry i totally forgot can we reschedule?" She asks

"Yeah, that's fine" I roll my eyes. Whenever dove likes a boy. She totally shuts me out. Which really pisses me off.

"Look I gotta go" I mumble walking away leaving her standing alone.

Dove can be a such a bitch at times. She goes boy crazy and I'm over it.

"Hey Wryn"

I turn my head and see Dallas in the driver seat of Two-bits car. "What?" I huff "hop in"

I sigh before walking over to the passenger side getting in the car. "Why didn't you pick up Dove?" I scoff. Shutting the door.

"Wryn.. are you jealous?" He jokes with his cocky accent. "No?" I say offendedly

"Dives my bestfriend there's no reason for me to be jealous" I roll my eyes as Dallas puts the car in drive

"So why did you pick me up?" I ask looking at him as he swerves down the road. "I don't know I just saw you walking so I decided to be nice and give you a ride"

"Since when is Dallas Winston nice?" I scoff.

He smirks before turning onto a different street driving farther from my house. "Where are you taking me, this isn't the way home" I ask

I hope he's not trying to murder me.

"Relax it's a suprise" he chuckles "is my suprise you murdering me?" I ask. "I'm not gonan kill ya, just don't piss me off" he jokes or at least I hope he's joking.

Im tired and didn't know what to write so sorry it's bad I'll make it up to yall

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 | ᵈᵃˡˡʸ ʷⁱⁿˢᵗᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now