𝟏𝟏. 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧

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I walk out into the porch with a bottle of liquor. It's pouring down rain and I'm drunk.

I walk to the steps and take a seat. Letting the rain fall into my skin. Three days ago that stupid bastard- you know I don't wanna talk about it.

And I've decided Alcohol is my new best friend. I take a sip of the strong substance feeling it burn down my throat. Fuck- I love bein' drunk.

Currently nobody's home. But I think I like being by myself?

I look at the sky. Big grey clouds are scattered around. I lift my hand out and feel the rain drop into my hand.

Out of the blue a huge lightning bolt lit up the sky followed by a big rumble of thunder. I don't know why, but it made me giggle.

Before I even think I'm standing up walking out into the rain. The longer the rain drips onto my body the more soaked I get.

I trip over a rock but I am able to stop myself from falling "shit" I mumble. I take another sip of the alcohol. I open the gate.

And walk out into the street where no cars ever drive down unless it's two-bit or Dallas driving recklessly. Oh- and Darry of course.

I set my alcohol down in the middle of the road before laying my body on the pavement. Thunder struck as I lay.

Rain has completely soaked my clothes and body.  I close my eyes and take in the sound of the rain.

I lay for what feels like an eternity. "What the fuck" A familiar voice speaks making me jump and quickly open my eyes.

I look up and see Dallas standing above me looking at me all stupid. "W-what" I slur.

"Get up!" He yells grabbing my hands "Ow!" I cry. My wrists are still bruised and hurt from the events from a few nights before. "Shit" he mumbles before letting them go.

"Wryn get up" he says sternly. I roll my eyes before sitting up and reach for the half empty bottle of liquor. But Dallas stops me and kicks it causing it to spill

"Fuck you!" I yell standing up from the ground.

He just rolls his eyes and mumbles a 'yeah, yeah' I huff and walk to the house. "What were you even doing or thinking laying in the middle of the road!?" He yells following behind me.

"I was living Dallas" I roll my eyes walking up the steps. I foot gets caught causing me to trip and land on my hands. "Jesus Christ" the alcohol is really getting to me.

Dallas grabs my waist helping me up. He helps guide me inside. "Where are your brother!?" He asks opening the door.

I just shrug. "So you got drunk while nobody's home?" He questions. "Mhm" I mumble. "Yer fuckin dumb" he sighs.

I walk over to the couch and take a seat. My heads fuzzy. Dallas walks down the hallway. To god knows where. And I don't really care.

The feeling of the wet shirt stuck to my body made me feel uncomfortable. So without thinking I pull it over my head leaving me in my soaking bra. I toss the shirt. It slaps the floor as it lands.

"Jesus!" Dallas says walking into the living room. He sighs covering his eyes with his hand throwing clothes at me.

"Dally, I think I n-need help" I slur standing up from the couch. "What?" He questions. "Please" I plead.

He sighs before uncovering his eyes and walks over to me.

I leave my bra in not trying to make him to uncomfortable. He stands in front of me and leans down grabbing my shirt.

Once he stands up straight I look up at him. I look at him In the eyes. He does the same. Something about this makes me feel something in my stomach. He clears his throat before helping me.

He pulls the shirt down over my body. He grabs my sweats as I pull down the shorts I had on leaving me in the fresh new shirt and my underwear.

"Sit" he states. And I do. I gets down in his knees and pulls my pants up I lift my hips so he can get them up all the way.

"Better?" He asks looking at me. I nod. I don't know why, but I feel really nervous. Maybe I'm just drunk and it's making me feel weird.

He stands up from the ground. "I'm tired" I mumble. I stand from the couch and attempt to walk to my room.


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