𝟏𝟖. 𝐋𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐩𝐭. 𝟏

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"Wryn!" Pony shouts; knocking at my door. "Yeah?" I question. "Wanna go to the lake?" He asks. I quickly stand from my bed walking to the door.

I pull it open revealing Pony already in swim trunks. "Yes, can I invite Dove?" I question.

"Uh, yeah that should be fine" he shrugs walking away. I shut the door walking to my nightstand where a phone line was put in. I guess me hogging the phone all the time annoyed the boys.

I quickly dial Doves number letting it ring before she picks up. "Hello?" She says on the other end of the phone. "Hey, me and my brothers are going to the lake wanna come?" I ask

"Of course, Will you know if Dallys going" she ask making me roll my eyes. But along with a little guilt. "No clue Dove" I sigh.

"Okay I'll come to your house right now, you have a bathing suit or want me to bring one?" She asks "Bring one I think I have one from last summer but I have no clue if it fits"

"Okay, I'll be there in fifteen" the phone disconnects.

I walk over to my dresser opening one of the drawers. I dig my hand to the bottom feeling for my bathing suit.

Once I feel it I pull it out. It's a red two piece bathing suit. I walk over to my door locking it before pulling my blouse over my head and unclasping my bra. I put the top on. It's very snug. Causing my boobs to practically over flow. I mean it's not bad but it just shows a lot.

I pull my pants down along with my panties. I pull the matching bottoms to my top up. They fit worse than the top. My ass has grown apparently causing my ass to show.

I mean they aren't the worst, but it's a little much to be wearing this with my brothers around.

I look down at my arm and see my scars. I just hope nobody pays attention. I bet they won't. There to dumb to be paying that close of attention.

"Wryn, Doves here" I hear Darry shout. I unlock my door and tell Dove to come in. And she does. "Oh wow, I mean it's not that bad." She says looking at my bathing suit.

"I forgot to grab another bathing suit" she sighs. I roll my eyes walking over to my mirror looking at myself in it.

"God damn it now I have to wear this in front of them" I groan. Throwing my head back in annoyance. "It's not that bad it just shows a lot but you look hot" she cheers.

"I guess" I sigh. Turning and grabbing a white shirt and a pair of shorts from my closet.

I put them on over my bathing suit.

"Guys let's go!"

We arrive to the lake where Two and Steve are already in the water splashing each other. My brother quickly drop all there shit and run into the water shouting.

Me and dove look at each other and giggle. We put our stuff down. But we lay our towels down over the hot sand. It's pretty warm for the middle of May.

I fling off my flip flops. I also take the clothes on I had over my bathing suit. I feel naked with this bathing suit.

I look at dove who has a blue one piece one. With white polka dots.

I bend over putting my hair in a messy bun. I'm not to thrilled about getting my freshly washed hair wet.

"What are you wearing?" Dallas asks walking into view. "The only bathing suit I had" I groan. "Is your tattoo showing?" He asks causing me to quickly look at my back. Which thankfully these bathing suit bottoms are high enough to hide it.

"No" I sigh giving him the finger. "What's that for I was only being nice" he acts all offended. I just roll my eyes. Then look over at Dove whose eye fucking Dallas.

Causing shiver to go up my spine. Disgusting.

He flings his shirt over his head leaving him in swim trunks. He throws the shirt at me causing me to yell.

"Back off" I argue before chasing him into the water.

He's ahead of me. And runs into the water which slows him down a little. I do the same and the water feels like knives due to how cold it is.

My teeth begin to shiver before I try to get to Dallas whose splashing and laughing at me.

"I hate you!" I scream. And look to see Dove staring at me with a confused look. Before walking slowly into the water.

"When did you and Dallas get so close?" She asks I can hear the jealousy in her voice.

"You have nothing to worry about" I sigh looking at her. "Are you sure you guys have been acting real weird" she argues.

Causing me to scoff. "Dove how? I wouldn't do that to you" I lie. Knowing I've already done much more with Dally then she.

Part 1

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